• 的就是这些,只是语言虽然可以说很多这样的话,经常诗歌中这样。

    That's all but it's no mere figure of speech though one can make figures enough about it in his poetry very often.


  • 一则运用汉字修辞格的字谜佳作只是语言文字游戏,还是篇优秀微型文学作品

    A fine riddle using Chinese character rhetoric is not only a "word puzzle" but also an outstanding miniature literary work.


  • 隐喻只是语言表达饰物,它更是语言现象,一种基本思维认知概念化工具

    Metaphors are not only ornamental devices of expressing ideas by means of language, but a language phenomenon, a basic instrument of thinking, cognition and conceptualization.


  • 人类进行交际活动重要工具当然语言但是交际工具只是语言例如还依靠很多语言符号

    Of course, language is the most important channel of communication in human interaction, but it is not the only one, for example, many nonverbal symbols are necessary in communication.


  • 它们只是语言最初主体间无关紧要残留从而可以通过设计一种用于感觉材料人为主观语言即可加以去除。

    These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data.


  • 语言自身已经变得不只是一种平台了,GUI也正在朝着所有平台上都有相同外观行为这种方向转变。

    As the language became more of a platform in its own right, the approach to GUIs moved toward identical appearance and behavior across all platforms.


  • 理解广播中所讲事情不只是为了学习语言,学习就变得容易一些

    When you want to understand what's being said for reasons above and beyond learning the language, learning is easier.


  • 勒奈·笛卡尔提出人类只是机器时候,有力的证据便是人类语言能力

    When Rene Descartes argued that we are more than merely machines, his best piece of evidence for him was the human capacity for language.


  • 一发现说明宝宝们学着分辨他们熟悉语言,如西班牙语加泰罗尼亚语时,他们只是学习两种母语各自具体的发音规则

    The findings indicate that as babies learn to discriminate the two languages they're familiar with-spanish and catalan-they aren't just learning the specific rules of their two mother tongues.


  • 但是程序设计语言:它只是技术,它程序员思考的工具。

    But programming languages are different: programming languages are not just technology, but what programmers think in.


  • 现在柬埔寨中国大韩民国乌拉圭等巴斯德研究所所属机构,这些机构以好几语言进行相互交流只是讲法语

    Now there are Pasteur Institutes in countries, such as Cambodia, China, the Republic of Korea and Uruguay, which communicate with each other in several languages, not just French.


  • 函数式编程不只是工具或者语言更是一种心态

    Functional programming is more a mindset than a particular set of tools or languages.


  • 全球其它地区只是学习英语他们成为讲多种语言的人。

    The rest of the world is not just learning English. It is becoming multilingual.


  • 我们交谈只是通过语言人们理解我们的意思。

    When we talk With others, we make them understand us not just by words.


  • 很多人知道占领运动只是重大新闻事件也是一个语言事件,它永远地改变“占领(occupy)”这个词的含义

    Many have noted how the occupy movement is not only a major news event but a linguistic event too, forever changing the meaning of the word "occupy."


  • 非常简单来说能力设计语言只是使用它。

    In very simple terms, it's the ability to craft the language, not just use it.


  • 掌握文化只是记住一些特定国家实事亦或是学习语言尽管这些也非常重要。

    Achieving cultural competence requires more than just memorizing a list of facts about a specific country or learning its language-important though these are.


  • 语言只是要记住单词句子

    Learning a language is not just words and sentences.


  • 分析语言媒介关系可知,媒介只是传达信息感情被动体,媒介改变传达内容

    As can be seen from analysis of the relation between language and media, media are not just passive tools of conveying information and feelings. They can also change the contents that media convey.


  • 上所述文章传递着一种强烈清晰信息告诉读者作者只是能够熟练运用语言那,能很好的组织架构学术文章

    Above all, it conveys a strong and clear message, and shows the reader that the author has perfected not only the language, but the organization and structure of the academic essay.


  • 数字任何语言表示数量数字的作用却只是限于表示数量。

    Numeral words express number in any languages, but they do not used to express that only.


  • 阅读目的远远只是为了回答几个问题或是教师帮助下借助所读课文的语言材料学习语言句法结构

    The aim of reading is more than to answer some questions or only to master some expressions and sentence structures with the teachers' help.


  • 通过现代建筑语言两种建筑都可能发生因为现代精神关于执行态度的,只是特殊建筑语言

    However, these two construction structures can be changed via the modern construction conception because the modern spirit is to implement and not to speak special construction conception.


  • 幸运的是,面向对象程序设计语言只是有其语法编译器而是有一个完整开发环境包含被设计良好并且专业使调用对象变得很简单

    Successful OOP languages incorporate not just language syntax and a compiler, but an entire development environment including a significant library of well-designed , easy to use objects.


  • 我们目标只是单单教你一种语言而是教会能够灵活具有描述性地把知识运用真实生活

    Our goal is not just to teach you a language, but to teach you how to use it in the real world, flexibly and descriptively.


  • 我们目标只是单单教你一种语言而是教会能够灵活具有描述性地把知识运用真实生活

    Our goal is not just to teach you a language, but to teach you how to use it in the real world, flexibly and descriptively.


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