• 房客处于绝望的境地因为无耻房东不够标准膳宿来骗他们的钱财。

    The tenants were in a hopeless position, being milked by an unscrupulous landlord for substandard accommodation.


  • 然而随着设计进一步深入,很明显扩建部分尺度标准只能放大现有建筑狭窄不够标准缺点。

    As the design developed however it became obvious that the size and standard of the new extension would only serve to exaggerate the cramped and substandard nature of the existing house.


  • 考虑政府标准不够高,局势已经清晰了。

    Considering that the government's standards are not nearly ambitious enough, the picture is clear.


  • 因此肯尼迪所指虽然GDP衡量国家经济活动常用方法但作为一种衡量标准已经不够合理了。

    So what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough.


  • 现在手机安全标准不够

    Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough?


  • 没有全球化目标标准以上所有这些对于阻止气候变化来说可能不够的。

    Without global targets and standards, all this may not be enough to head off climate change.


  • 评估机构尚未公布测试标准全部细节引发投资者担忧压力测试不够严格

    The assessors haven't so far provided full details of their criteria, raising concern among investors they will not be stringent enough.


  • 只有标准标记不够用时,才需要Portlet应用程序中包含特定于应用程序的标记

    You should include an application specific tag library in a portlet application only in the case when the standard tag libraries are not sufficient.


  • Knoppix标准配置需要太多内存32MB不够的。

    Knoppix's standard configuration demands too much memory32 MB isn't enough.


  • 很重要的,因为说明了,查看平均值不够的,特别是标准偏差非常的时候。

    This is important, because it shows that looking at just the average is not enough, especially if your standard deviation is a large number.


  • 其他由于标准疏忽造成预期行为规定不够详细因此实施者不得不猜测哪些工作是需要完成的。

    Other cases are due to oversights in the standards: Expected behaviors were not specified in enough detail, so implementers had to guess what needed to be done.


  • 如果产品不够稳定,发现很多缺陷那么你需要增加测试周期直到达到质量标准

    If the product is unstable, and many defects are being discovered and investigated, you'll need to add test cycles until the quality criteria are met.


  • 不过极少情况一个机构濒临已经倒闭引起实质性的系统风险,仅靠标准处理程序可能不够

    However, in the rare circumstances in which the impending or actual failure of an institution imposes substantial systemic risks, the standard procedures for resolving institutions may be inadequate.


  • 最大两个障碍英语不够流利国外的大学专业标准不被承认。

    Two of the biggest barriers are lack of English fluency and non-recognition of foreign academic and professional criteria.


  • 一些国家会计准则符合标准信息披露可能不够充分非洲一些市场的规模可能太小。

    Accounting standards in some countries aren't up to par, disclosure can be less robust, and the size of some markets in Africa and elsewhere can be small.


  • 编写TMX规范团队指出,TMX标准对于管理术语数据不够,因此创建TBX 标准

    The team that wrote the TMX specifications noticed that the TMX standard is not enough for managing terminological data and created the TBX standard.


  • 对于如今远程办公分布式团队外出成员而言,仅仅使用电话电子邮件标准通信方式不够的。

    In today’s world of remote offices, dispersed teams, and members on the go, the standard means of communicating among the team using only phone or email isn’t sufficient.


  • 排除风险标准组合分析工具(Span)”这一芝加哥商品交易所1988年清算股权衍生品而开发保证金工具,他认为工具对于单名交易来说时不够的。

    He rules out the Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (Span) margining tool developed by the CME in 1988 for clearing equity derivatives, which he believes is not robust enough for single-name trades.


  • 他们并不理解所谓的“推荐标准意味着什么他们知道现在开始2022,自己10个手指头根本不够用的。

    They didn't understand what "proposed recommendation" meant, but they knew they didn't have enough fingers to count off the years until 2022.


  • 尽管XQuery 1.0已经发布了,但是数据库产品使用XQuery语言方式仍然不够标准

    Despite XQuery 1.0, the way the XQuery language is used in database products still lacks standardization.


  • 环保局现有全国各地空气监测系统不够足以用来检测空气质量是否达到新的标准他们不得不重新设计。

    The EPA said that the existing lead in air monitoring systems around the country are not good enough to detect whether air quality is meeting the new standard and they will have to be redesigned.


  • 他们的工作成绩不够标准

    Their work is not up to standard.


  • 首先对于可用的存储器来说,那些磁铁颗粒磁性不够强大并且每个区域尺寸现在计算机标准来说

    For a start, the grains of magnetite are not strong enough magnets to make a useful memory, and the size of each domain is huge by modern computing standards.


  • 但是审判实践对于合理开支范围的审判标准不是很统一,并且对合理开支的赔偿力度不够

    But the trial standards of the scope of reasonable expenses are not uniform in the trial practice, and the implement force for the reasonable expenses compensation is also insufficient.


  • 但是审判实践对于合理开支范围的审判标准不是很统一,并且对合理开支的赔偿力度不够

    But the trial standards of the scope of reasonable expenses are not uniform in the trial practice, and the implement force for the reasonable expenses compensation is also insufficient.


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