• 强调的是,原来那时候加载很多东西并且获取非常缓慢

    I haven't been able to stress-test it though, but in times past it really suffered under a heavy load and got quite slow.


  • 本文强调迭代化系统开发项目测试人员提出挑战

    This paper does not address the challenges that iterative system development projects present to testers.


  • 交互准确内容它们发生频繁程度强调

    The exact content of the interactions and frequency of their occurrence is not addressed.


  • 应当注意确定测试用例中,RUP强调测试规格技术使用必需测试基础

    It should be noted that in specifying the test cases RUP does not address the use of test specification techniques or the required test basis.


  • 鼓励您女儿多参与那些强调体重如何重要或者更重视学习过程活动

    Consider encouraging activities that don't emphasize the importance of weight or value leanness.


  • 游戏同,除了偶尔巫师之间的决斗BOSS战,《乐高哈利波特》强调战斗,而是注重解谜。

    Unlike previous Lego games, there isn't much of an emphasis on combat outside the occasional wizard duel or boss encounter.


  • 德国古典哲学以来重要悲剧思想不强调悲剧形而上特质其中包括极性认识极性超越两个方面

    All the important ideas on tragedy since the classic philosophy of Germany have emphasized the metaphysical traits of tragedy, including its ultimate cognition and ultimate transcendence.


  • 那么为什么强调消费者健康信息折腾到期日期药物重要性

    Why, then, does consumer health information stress the importance of tossing medications after the expiration date?


  • 淘宝有着硅谷公司相似不强调尊卑文化,所有这里取绰号一项传统

    It is tradition at the Taobao division, which has an irreverent culture akin to that of Silicon Valley firms, to take on nicknames.


  • 犹太教强调本罪,认为本性好的一面,容易促使形成一个健康积极自我世界观

    Judaism views people as basically good. There is no concept of original sin, which makes it easier to forge a healthy, positive view of oneself and the world.


  • 过程模型还考虑应用系统开发时效软件开发团队运营成本问题,此阶段软件复用强调领域工程应用系统开发面向提交的,需要使用基于构件的软件开发。

    And the model considered the time efficient and operation cost of the applications, it didn't emphasize the domain engineering, the application development is for submission, but it need use CBSD.


  • 仍然坚持标准理论相比较,极端若干州很少根本强调这种法定标准。

    At the other extreme from the states which still adhere to the standards doctrine are a few that place little or no emphasis on statutory standards as such.


  • 西方圣诞节一个享受家庭聚会重要节日,而中国人却强调这一点,这里商业价值却西方无二。

    Although Christmas here doesn't stress getting together with the family as much as it does in the West, the commercial side of the holidays is almost as prevalent.


  • 由于受到注重自然和谐传统哲学理论思想影响,中国传统建筑的创作思想强调理性化科学化

    As the influence of the traditional philosophy theory which pay attention to the harmony with nature, the creation idea of Chinese traditional architecture didn't emphasize rationality and science.


  • 他们感到不强调分歧有利的。

    They feel it is profitable to play down the differences.


  • 人类愈来愈显示动物自然界本质力量的今天,强调自然主体性

    In the era of increasingly appearance of essence and power of the mankind compared to the animals and the natural world, its subjectivization against the nature should be concentrated.


  • 展望未来之路,如果强调解决气候变化构成严峻挑战可能经济前景带来严重后果,就是失职

    Looking further down the road, I would be remiss in not highlighting the serious consequences to the economic outlook of failing to tackle the serious challenges presented by climate change.


  • 什么使生活更轻松如果一个公式可以检测重复突出酒店完整列表强调那些没有进行训练

    What would make my life easier is that if there is a formula that can detect duplicates and highlight on the complete list of hotels so the ones that are not highlighted have not done the training.


  • 如果不强调治愈特别是和移植相关死亡率估计超过15 - 20%时,一开始使用STI571也是合理的。

    If a cure is less important, especially if the estimated transplant-related mortality exceeds 15 to 20 percent, then initial treatment with STI571 seems logical.


  • 强调新颖时尚一种厚重、平实近乎传统手法来表现文化品位风格稳定性

    It has no stress of originality and vogue but expression of cultural taste and stable style in a plain and comparatively traditional way.


  • 强调新颖时尚一种厚重、平实近乎传统手法来表现文化品位风格稳定性

    It has no stress of originality and vogue but expression of cultural taste and stable style in a plain and comparatively traditional way.


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