Unfortunately, change is not easy and can create significant discomfort within an organization.
But on the other hand, unpleasant sentiments, including loneliness, may hit them, when they have to work under the huge psychological pressure of adjusting to a new life of study.
He introduced the term "gallows humor," which is based on the theory that joking relieves anxiety and laughter can transform unpleasant feelings into ones that are more positive.
The aim of the money test is to test the theory that how we manage our emotions - particularly when stressed or in an unpleasant situation - affects how we manage our money.
While that's a good thing, the stress and uncertainty went on for twice as long, which is definitely an unpleasant thing.
While that's a good thing the stress and uncertainty went on for twice as long which is definitely an unpleasant thing.
A request or "observation" tinged with any hint of negative emotion automatically triggers an unpleasant response in the other partner.
Mr Fabius has tapped into an uncomfortable popular sentiment that an enlarged Europe is drifting out of France's grasp.
The study's key finding was that children who ate fast food and drank soft drinks were more likely to be overweight, but they were also less likely to be unhappy.
Unless the unpleasant association is reinforced, the memories will slowly fade with time, although the aversion doesn’t disappear entirely during the two-week period that the authors were looking at.
My feet were thoroughly wetted; I was cross and low; exactly the humour suited for making the most of these disagreeable things.
Pain is an unpleasant physical or emotional feeling that your body produces as a warning sign that it has been damaged.
In addition, Ashforth and Humphrey(1993) indicated that performing emotional labor may help employees to psychologically distance themselves from unpleasant situations.
Anger is a feeling of displeasure or hostility. It's a normal, healthy emotion, just like any other feeling you have.
Bringing up feelings can also be scary or uncomfortable, and can make us feel vulnerable.
Most people cannot resist the temptation to talk about unpleasant things and increase their negative emotion.
Negative emotions and all the unhappiness associated with them are the result of sleep.
Not the tremendous pain that comes from a divorce, not the paralyzing despair that comes from clinical depression, but the low-level, grating, downward slide toward unhappiness.
Don't let an unpleasant experience ruin your whole day. Don't let your emotions overrule your common sense.
Picture the ashes as any heavy burden that one might carry inside for years, unwilling or unable to release feelings of anger, resentment, envy, or any other negative connection to the past.
No matter how often unpleasant or difficult challenges get you down, don't give in to negative thinking.
Psychological factors such as anxiety, irritability or depression, feelings of unhappiness, are the important reasons causing insomnia.
Psychological factors such as anxiety, irritability or depression, feelings of unhappiness, are the important reasons causing insomnia.