• 自信充满机遇,充满了挑战,充满了勇气,充满了不断探索

    Self-confidence is full of opportunities, full of challenge, full of courage, full of constant exploration.


  • 不断学习进步,在不断探索领悟,在不断的积累成长

    In the continuous learning in progress, in the ongoing exploration of understanding and the accumulation of growing up.


  • 经过不断探索总结人们发现激励能够达到这个目的最佳手段

    After years of exploration and summary, it was found that incentive is the best means to achieve this objective.


  • 综合理科课程推进过程艰辛的,只有不断的探索才能接近成功

    The implementation of integrated science is difficult, but we can come to success through exploration endlessly.


  • 美利坚民族为人注意通性之一就是不安分不满足不断的探索

    One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people.


  • 理论实践结合过程中,需要不断探索反复验证逐步完善

    In theory and practice to the process of integration, the need to constantly explore, and repeated verification, gradually improving.


  • 这种信念促使不断的寻找答案不断的探索意味着很快找到答案。

    The belief keeps you searching for answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.


  • 经过不断探索实践省直体制改革正在成为国家行政管理体制改革重大突破

    Through constant exploration and practice, the system reform of provincial directly governing counties is becoming a major breakthrough in the administrative restructuring reform.


  • 自从60年代爆发第一次“软件危机”以来,软件领域专家们就在不断探索新的有效的软件开发方法

    Since 60 ages break out the first "software crisis", experts of the software realm at continuously of quest the software development of the new validity method.


  • 基础上外语教学研究者通过不断探索研究发现情感因素外语教学的过程中关键作用

    On the basis of these findings, many foreign language researchers have discovered that affective factors can play a critical role in foreign language learning and teaching.


  • 未发现矿产资源潜力资源定量估算一直资源评价重要工作,关于资源量估算的方法不断的探索中。

    Quantitative estimation of unknown mineral resource is an important step of resource assessment. Geologists have been keeping on searching for proper methods of reserve estimate.


  • 语文教科书练习活动变革远远未完成,现有教科书中的练习活动仍存在不少问题我们不断探索努力

    The reform of Chinese textbook exercises and activities is far from being over, there are lots of problems in the current textbook exercise, it need us further explore and hard work.


  • 目前本文缺乏可供借鉴成熟经验因此技术实现上具有一定难度达到成熟需要不断的探索研究

    Because it still lacks the matured experience as reference in this thesis at present, it has some difficulty in applying the technique, and it needs more exploration and study to reach maturation.


  • 我们美化企业形象倡导企业文化为己任,在不断探索中,客户关怀武汉唐城提供完善的服务

    We have to beautify the corporate image, promote corporate culture, continuous exploration, in the old and new customers under the care, Wuhan city will provide you with more perfect service!


  • 一类科技产品2004年开始盛行,他们对于那些广泛分布苹果产品非常着迷,喜欢不断的探索社交网络而且喜欢写博客

    These Geeks became prevalent starting in 2004, obsessed with the ever-expending collection of Apple products, inventing social network design and blogging.


  • 如果我们真正了解在不同文化中我们认知生活有多大的差异,我们就必须不断探索我们物种语言多样性深度

    If we are to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally, we must continually explore the depths of our species' linguistic diversity.


  • 尽管如此随着这些设备功能不断增强未来我们也许探索领域

    However, as the capabilities of those devices increase, that may be an area to explore in the future.


  • 机器人技术人类太空探索整个阶段扮演越来越重要角色不断作出贡献

    Robotics technology, which will play an increasingly important role in all phases of human exploration in space, continues to make advances.


  • 太空探索我们人类来说是个挑战,也是为什么许多国家不断进行探索的原因之一。

    Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That 's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.


  • 太空探索我们人类来说是个挑战,也是为什么许多国家不断进行探索的原因之一。

    Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.


  • 人类不是一个目的性创造巅峰之作其他一切事物一样,他们经过反复试验不断探索进化而来,上帝没有直接插手人类创造

    Human beings were not the pinnacle of a purposeful creation; like everything else, they evolved by trial and error and God had no direct hand in their making.


  • 他们探索如何应对卫生保健费用飞涨疾病模式演变以及本国人民不断升高期望要求

    They look for ways to cope with soaring health care costs, changing disease patterns, and the rising expectations and demands of their populations.


  • 作者在写作方法力求不断突破,去探索未知领地

    The author seeks to break the methods he created yesterday and move on towards unexplored territory.


  • 第二,我们应该不断开拓经贸合作领域探索合作的新形式以充实双边关系内涵

    Second, the two sides should open new areas of economic and trade cooperation, explore new ways of bilateral cooperation and enrich the content of bilateral relations.


  • 一直以来,人类学广泛探索女性髋骨进化。髋骨时间空间不断扩大适应婴儿头部进化发育

    Anthropology has extensively explored the evolution of the female hip bones, which expanded over time to accommodate the evolutionary growth of the heads of human babies.


  • 人类历史就是不断探索未知的旅程,火星就是下一站。

    The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration and this is what's next.


  • 满怀自信不断探索新的创意实验,但这不仅仅是为了证明现有理论

    She's constantly hunting for new ideas and designing experiments with the hope of surprising herself, not just confirming existing theories.


  • 满怀自信不断探索新的创意实验,但这不仅仅是为了证明现有理论

    She's constantly hunting for new ideas and designing experiments with the hope of surprising herself, not just confirming existing theories.


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