While the technical details are sketchy, the service would let customers make purchases by holding a smartphone in front of an electronic reader in stores.
A notice on the health ministry's website said that the safety of the electric shock technology was not clear, so use of the therapy should be stopped.
"Dispute Finder" technology that monitors users' conversations and Internet browsing to warn them when they encounter contested or inaccurate information.
目前尚不明确ITSOA已经到了瓶颈这样的想法与 SOA正在衰退这样的报告有何种联系,特别是在大量这类报告都在 强调其技术的层面的时候。
It is unclear though how this idea that I.T. SOA has reached a threshold ties in with reports that SOA is failiing, particularly when many of the reports emphasize technical aspects.
But there is still a lot of PE teachers to take technology education or physical activity as the main objective, there is the phenomenon of teaching goals are not clear.
The prevalence and the cause of ASD are not well documented, but ASD are one of the main arguments for introducing the use of motion-preserving techniques as an alternative to fusion.
Technological advancement has a double impact on employment. The employment effects of technological progress in a certain period of time are not clear.
Technological advancement has a double impact on employment. The employment effects of technological progress in a certain period of time are not clear.