It is unknown whether this method would help people cut their consumption of a real meal which consists of multiple foods.
The ambiguity can be resolved when specifying a principal by qualifying it with the desired domain name.
It is a simple way to remove the ambiguity of what is permitted for a creative work that is also publicly accessible.
The company has an answer: a new software platform called QNX, but is vague on when that will show up on the BlackBerry.
The researchers said both the safety and the effectiveness of the method was unclear.
If you don't explicitly render a view (using a render method), Rails renders the view with the same name as the method.
Ambiguous overloading is a problem because method arguments may be of mixin type, allowing for situations in which two overloaded methods are applicable and neither is more specific.
In this paper, the four-moment reliability analysis method for perfopmance function implicit structure is discussed.
Overall the risk of bias is unclear, as all trials under-reported methods.
In this paper, problems of handling time imprecise in temporal databases are discussed and the representations of imprecise time intervals are presented.
Background: gastric pacing is a new method used for the treatment of gastric motility disorders in recent years, and its effectiveness has not been well defined.
The efficacy of other nutritional approaches, such as green tea, has been less clear, the researchers report. Studies evaluating the efficacy of soy and lycopene are ongoing.
Much of this research was also plagued by methodological problems theoretical ambiguities.
Although these methods have their own utility, their disadvantages are commonly exist, such as inaccurate evaluation, inconvenient operation, indefinite results.
Gastrointestinal pacing is a new method used for the treatment of gastrointestinal motility disorder introduced in recent years, yet its effectiveness has not been well defined.
Each model assumes something different, and it's not obvious how to navigate and identify which assumptions are reasonable.
Some progresses have been made in the studies of ischemia tolerance, but the underlying mechanism of neural protection is still not fully undersood. The methods and duration still need to explore.
Existing logistics cost counting has deficiencies such as unclear method, the lack of unified regulations and poor operation. So accounting for the logistics cost needs further research.
Currently, approaches of ontology evolution are deal with evolution requirements in sequence, the factors of evolution cost are uncertainty.
In order to satisfy real-time applications, L2-Trigger has been proposed by some literatures to trigger layer 3 handoff ahead to decrease the handoff delay of mobile IP.
In order to satisfy real-time applications, L2-Trigger has been proposed by some literatures to trigger layer 3 handoff ahead to decrease the handoff delay of mobile IP.