It is not yet clear what Greece's fallback plan will be if American demand is weak.
At present, the impact of the scheme on social health protection and its links with universal coverage plans are unclear as it is still evolving.
Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn't know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague.
Confidentiality issues and ability of the private sector to provide the proposed health services at the work place is not clear when this is an important part of the proposal's planned focus.
At present, in most of local universities, entrepreneurship education system has not shaped, the target is not clear and the teaching plan and model is scattered.
Set a goal with measurable results and a plan to help achieve it. It's harder to follow through on vague resolutions.
Whenever I hear that a friend has begun the trying process of trying, or is considering attempting what I like to call The Ultimate Vanity Project, I often follow up by asking them, "Why?"
Whenever I hear that a friend has begun the trying process of trying, or is considering attempting what I like to call The Ultimate Vanity Project, I often follow up by asking them, "Why?"