Differences in uncertainty avoidance affect intercultural communication.
Thee United States is a country with low uncertainty avoidance; while China is a country with a comparativetly high uncertaity avoidance.
It utilizes robust control method to derive the closed-form solution of optimal dynamic portfolio choice by specifying state function of uncertainty-aversion.
There are three main differences between the East and the West, namely uncertainty avoidance index, masculine versus femininity and long vs. short term orientation.
That in part reflects the surge in capital flooding into the region as investors turn their backs on the uncertainties of developed countries to lock in gains from fast-growing Asia.
The exchange rate has been volatile due to the fluctuations in oil prices and growing uncertainty as a result of higher risk aversion associated with the debt crisis in Europe.
Once lauded as a way of offering protection against the risk of companies defaulting, CDSs instead magnified uncertainty as buyers wondered whether sellers could really afford to pay up if called on.
In part four, it analyzes the control of the uncertain relation between the education and personal employment and gives some suggest.
The real option method would avoid the negative consequences resulting from uncertainties and create more opportunity value, thus forming new investment decision-making approach.
Real option is a better way to solve it. It keeps good affects and avoids bad affects. And it can help the decision maker to effectively manage risk.
DCF and other traditional methods often pay attention to the losing it makes but easy to neglect the value it includes.
DCF and other traditional methods often pay attention to the losing it makes but easy to neglect the value it includes.