The actress 'marriage to Pitt broke down in 2005 and the Ocean's Thirteen star has since gone on to start a family with Angelina Jolie.
She was more than South Korea's Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie.
恶魔女巫玛琳菲森由安吉丽娜•朱莉饰演。 故事中,她拥有强大的法力,但却遭到青梅竹马的恋人史提芬的欺骗与背叛。
Played by Angelina Jolie, Maleficent is a powerful witch who is betrayed and deceived by Stefan, a childhood friend and the man she loved.
现在,随着一位律师在周二早上发布的一纸措辞乏味的声明,于2014年结婚的安吉丽娜·朱莉·皮特(Angelina JoliePitt)与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的爱情故事,走到了一个不愉快的终点。
Now, with a lawyer's blandly worded press statement on Tuesday morning, the love story of Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt, who were married in 2014, has come to an unhappy end.
Angelina Jolie raises six children with her partner Brad Pitt, and she's still amazed by how well she copes with having such limited time to herself.
Angelina Jolie raises six children with her partner Brad Pitt, and she's still amazed by how well she copes with having such limited time to herself.