• 传感器电路濒临故障NASA专家们意识他们必须点什么否则将永远探测器失去联系

    Sensors and circuits were on the brink of failing and NASA experts realised that they had to do something or lose contact with their probe forever.


  • 除了失去收入之外许多发现他们生活打乱了,他们别人联系减少了,他们的野心变小了,他们作为工人的身份也被剥夺了

    As well as the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered, their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.


  • 所有老朋友失去联系

    I've lost touch with all my old friends.


  • 在上我们失去土地联系,而现在我们失去我们赖以生存机器的联系

    In an earlier generation, we lost our connection to the land, and now we are losing our connection to the machinery we depend on.


  • 即使四肢截断或者神经系统失去联系曾经可以感受截肢存在神经仍旧正常工作的。

    Even when a limb has been severed or cut off from the nervous system, the nerves that once serviced it remains alive and well.


  • 果搬到一个新城市意味着朋友失去联系,你会作何感想?

    How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends?


  • 利己主义自杀由于他人缺乏联系有理由他人失去联系而导致自我死亡

    Egoistic suicide is the death for the removal of the self due to or justified by the lack of ties to others.


  • 我们现实,即生活简单性失去联系

    We have lost contact with reality, the simplicity of life.


  • 节省能源,飞行中心关闭一些设备卫星失去联系超过3小时

    The center also switched off some facilities to save power and lost contact with the satellite for over 3 hours.


  • 一个危险错误,彻底迷路因为真正的自己失去联系:你天使居住在你心中的生灵

    This is a dangerous pitfall in which you could lose your way completely because you lose touch with who you really are: the angel, the creature of light who dwells within you.


  • 那之后大多当时痛苦灵魂失去联系他们许多人名字记忆中消失

    Since then I have lost touch with most of the tortured souls I knew back then, and many of their names have faded from memory.


  • 友情也是一样的,太关系变的复杂,太远了,就失去联系,不近不远刚刚好,只能感受到彼此真诚情谊。

    Otherwise you may lose contact. Only by staying at an apt distance to your friends can you truly sense each other’s sincerity and love.


  • 在家工作并不意味着老同事失去联系

    Working from home shouldn't mean you lose touch with old colleagues.


  • 猎鹰高超音速试验机(HTV -2)成功运载火箭分离然而进入滑翔阶段后不久便地面失去联系

    The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) successfully separated from its rocket but lost contact shortly into its "glide phase".


  • 日本,没有监护权父母经常孩子失去联系国内拐骗发生警察通常作为家庭事务不予理睬

    In Japan, it's not unusual for the non-custodial parent to lose contact with his or her child, and domestic abductions, when they do occur, are often ignored by the police as a family matter.


  • 文章来依然迷人失去观众联系

    The pieces read quite well on their own, but Kael had lost touch with her audience.


  • 去年112日,NASA凤凰登陆失去联系之前,凤凰曾经传回25000张火星图片

    Nasa lost contact with the Phoenix lander on 2 November last year, after it had sent back 25, 000 images from the planet.


  • 架型号为"水獭"的飞机于当日13:30起飞,起飞10-15分钟地面失去联系

    The Twin Otter plane took off at 1:30 pm before losing contact about 10-15 minutes later.


  • 尽管失去肢体已经中断了神经系统联系,但是截肢以及致残人士可能还有拥有这部肢体的感觉.从而,病人的这种感觉进一部肯定了当某个肢体受到损伤或是神经系统中切除联系后,那些曾经支配这些肢体的神经任然处于活跃状态.

    Amputees and people who have become paralysed may still “feel” a missing limb or a part of their body, even though it is no longer connected to their nervous system.


  • 爱德华亲人失去联系

    Edward was out of touch with his family.


  • 如果已经失去亲人联系那么给他们个电话,他们知道有人想着他们。

    If you have lost touch with loved ones, give them a call and let them know that someone is thinking of them.


  • 也许不想外界保持联系如果访客取得联系,但是找不到任何联系信息,你失去他们的兴趣信任

    Maybe because you just don't want to be contacted, but If visitors do want to get in touch with you, but can't find any contact information, you lose their interest and trust.


  • 飞机经过大西洋海域上空某处经常出现成片剧烈涡流区域时,空中交通控制员失去联系

    The pilots lost contact with air traffic controllers while flying across an area of the Atlantic Ocean known for constant bands of severe turbulence.


  • 我们人生逐渐工作为主,我们渐渐失去一些老友的联系,这导致了好友下降我们29时候,社交圈的人数大约降至68人。

    But as our working lives take over, we lose contact with some old friends causing the number to drop to around 68 by the time we reach 29-years-old.


  • 开发操作之间失去联系后果十分严重的。

    The consequences of this disconnect between development and operations can be serious.


  • 没有电话手机失去外界联系的方法。

    Without fixed phone and cell phone, they lost contact with outside world entirely.


  • 孩子真正成为担当的成年人我们大多数父母愿意失去他们接触联系我们必须设法走过这一危险的“后青年时期”。

    As most of us don’t want to lose touch with our kids just when they become truly interesting people, we have to figure out how to navigate that perilous, post-adolescent territory.


  • 孩子真正成为担当的成年人我们大多数父母愿意失去他们接触联系我们必须设法走过这一危险的“后青年时期”。

    As most of us don’t want to lose touch with our kids just when they become truly interesting people, we have to figure out how to navigate that perilous, post-adolescent territory.


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