• 一例为东部省Kafr Sakr区的名4男孩

    The first case is a 4-year old boy from Kafr Sakr District, Sharkia Governorate.


  • 2009年的图片中国东部浙江杭州市的一个轮胎厂,一个工人移动轮胎

    In a 2009 photo, a worker moves tires at a tire factory in Hangzhou, in east China's Zhejiang province.


  • IRC,2003年到2008年,他们仅东部就救治了40000个幸存者

    The IRC says it treated 40, 000 survivors in the eastern province of South Kivu alone between 2003 and 2008.


  • 当地媒体报道超强飓风25日袭击印度东部邦,造成24死亡,数百座房屋,受灾人数超过11万。

    A strong hurricane hit the eastern part of India Monday, killing 24 people, destroying hundreds of houses and affecting more than 110000 people, local media reported.


  • 班达先生叹惜说,尽管东部这个地区领先烟草生产,但仍然没有烟叶加工厂,这实在“让人感到丢脸”。

    Mr Banda lamented that it was "disgraceful" that despite the province being one of the leading producers of tobacco in the region, it still had no processing plant.


  • 统计报告中国东部份浙江2003年新生缺陷儿比例为1.15%,2004年升至1.13%,去年增加到1.47%。

    In east China's Zhejiang province, the incidence of babies with birth defects was 1.15 percent in 2003, rising to 1.33 percent in 2004 and 1.47 percent last year, the report said.


  • 例如印度尼西亚亚齐北部东部沿海便有个别养鱼池唐和一系列池塘之间种植红树林机会

    For example, there is scope in the north and eastern coasts of Aceh province, Indonesia, to plant mangroves on the edges of individual fish ponds and between pond complexes.


  • 病例该国东部地区阿勒多乌贝泽特县名4岁男童

    The case is a 4-year-old boy from the district of Dogubayazit in Agri Province in the eastern part of the country.


  • 阿富汗东部努尔·斯坦群山之中,蓄着胡须战士们正兴高采烈地座位于卡姆戴希地区的美军被基地废墟里进行着搜索。

    BEARDED fighters gleefully picked through the ruins of an abandoned American base in Kamdesh, in the mountains of Nuristan in eastern Afghanistan.


  • 这个基地位于东部达克,基地的外墙一个6米的大洞

    The blast tore a six-metre (20ft) hole in the wall of the base, in the of the eastern province of Wardak.


  • 成百上千的捕鸟者齐聚西班牙东部的卡斯特里翁,在那周边地区鸟者布置下被称作“Parany”的灌胶陷阱——在灌木丛灌上胶水,并覆以小松枝刺,诱惑鸟儿停留,以便用尖刺和胶水逮住鸟儿。

    Hundreds, if not thousands, of hunters in Castellón, eastern Spain, and neighbouring areas will have already set their so-called parany trapscopses filled with glue-covered twigs and spikes.


  • 同时内政部表示5阿富汗平民周一阿富汗东部库纳尔Dangam遭到两颗炸弹袭击身亡。

    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior said five Afghan civilians died in twin explosions Monday in the Dangam district of Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan.


  • 八十多人印尼东部西巴布亚洪水丧生

    More than 80 people have died in flooding in the eastern Indonesian province of West Papua.


  • 一例新确诊病例该国东部地区阿勒多乌贝泽特县名5岁男童

    The first newly confirmed case is a five-year-old boy from the district of Dogubayazit in Agri Province in the eastern part of the country.


  • 典型年份降雨东部地区开始,旁遮普汇集,大约就在拉合尔费萨拉巴德附近

    In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad.


  • 铁路发生浙江东部列车碰撞事故道歉宣布要彻查此事。

    The railways ministry has apologised for the collision in eastern Zhejiang province and announced an inquiry.


  • 华西村江苏东部0.6平方英里(平方公里)多岩石土壤创建村庄这个国家数以百计贫困村庄一样。

    The hamlet of Huaxi, created on 0.6 square miles (a square kilometer) of rocky land in eastern Jiangsu province, was like hundreds of poverty-stricken villages around the country.


  • 女士56退休工人正在监测在安徽东部城市合肥一个券商那里股票价格

    " said Ms. Xu, a 56-year-old retired worker, monitoring the prices of shares she had bought at a brokerage in the eastern city of Hefei, in Anhui province.


  • 河南地处中国东部地区,中国主要畜牧业产品(如猪肉牛肉乳制品等)生产大之一。

    Henan Province in eastern central China is one of the major producers of livestock products (pork, beef, and dairy) in the country.


  • 灾害同样祸及东部恩特雷里北部查科

    The scourge is also affecting the eastern province of Entre Rios and Chaco in the north.


  • 两名患者桑尼乌法(邻近叙利亚接壤南部边界)锡尔特(与该国东部凡湖毗连)的居民

    The patients are residents of Sanliurfa Province, near the southern border with Syria, and Siirt Province, which is adjacent to Van in the eastern part of the country.


  • 菜地位于中国东部安徽长江堤岸附近灌溉水源一座大型造纸厂排放污水

    His plot near the Banks of the Yangtze River in China's eastern Anhui province is irrigated by the run-off from a large paper mill.


  • 2011年一季度,离婚上升幅度最大西南部四川东部山东

    In the first quarter of 2011, the biggest rise in divorces was in the southwestern province of Sichuan and eastern Shandong province.


  • 台风鲶鱼中心星期四晚间位于中国海北部地区,正在中国广东东部缓慢北上。

    Typhoon Megi was centered over the northern part of the South China Sea late Thursday and was moving north slowly toward the eastern part of China's Guangdong province.


  • 安徽简称皖,城市合肥,位于华东腹地,我国东部襟江近海的内陆份。

    Anhui province is briefly named as Wan, with Hefei as the provincial seat.


  • 鄂州市位于湖北东部长江中游南岸。西邻武汉黄石黄冈

    Ezhou, situated in the east part of Hubei Province and on the south bank of middle Yangtze proper, is in the west is Wuhan, in the east is Huangshi, and in the north is Huanggang.


  • 鄂州市位于湖北东部长江中游南岸。西邻武汉黄石黄冈

    Ezhou, situated in the east part of Hubei Province and on the south bank of middle Yangtze proper, is in the west is Wuhan, in the east is Huangshi, and in the north is Huanggang.


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