But for anyone else who wants to live middle class life style with good long term benefits look scary.
According to the report, climate change coupled with China's move toward urbanization and middle class lifestyles will create huge water demand and therefore crop shortages by 2030.
Many colonists were able to adopt a lifestyle similar to that of middle-class Britons.
The current overwhelming promotion of white middle-class ideas and lifestyles risks alienating children from minority groups.
Self employment can yield the middle class lifestyle but often requires years of working 60 or more hours a week to do so.
The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class.
Retail employment domestic employment (maids housekeeping yard work landscaping) never provided a middle class lifestyle unless one worked multiple full time jobs say and both parents did so.
But these are merely lifestyle choices for the affluent middle-classes, a matter of aesthetics, and nothing to do with the real issues.
To aspiring celebrities, she is a springboard to stardom; to Middle America, she is nothing short of a lifestyle guru.
The middle class lifestyle is wonderful news for foreign companies.
To Middle America, she is nothing short of a lifestyle guru.
Finally, the emerge of middle-class bring new trends of real estate landscape design. Their way of life and consumer culture affected the style of the real estate landscape design.
The work of Eric Fischl enlighten the intermediate stratum of contemporary China who advocate the taste of western middle-class to introspect their life style, and reconsider their goal of life.
Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories.
In China at least, coffee is often associated with an exotic, well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle. Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated, middle-class people.
In China at least, coffee is often associated with an exotic, well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle. Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated, middle-class people.