However, he apparently became bored with his middle-class life and sought to return to a life of crime.
Their youngsters, like many in India's urban middle-class, are marrying outside the community.
Credit is booming, particularly to the swelling Numbers who have moved out of poverty and into the middle class.
The per capita emissions of the wealthy and the middle class in China are presumably already above or at the maximum proposed by the authors.
In my lifetime I've never seen a country with as many people rising into the middle class aspiring to buy products that Apple makes.
That stage was reached in China some time between 1990 and 2005, during which period the middle-class share of the population soared from 15% to 62%.
I know also that I share this conditioning with middle-class people of all RACES and that I can no more easily be free of it than I can be free of my race.
According to Mr Bhalla's calculations, the number of middle-class people in Asia has overtaken the number in the West for the first time since 1700 (see chart 2).
The middle class think being comfortable means being happy, but the rich realize that extraordinary things happen when we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations.
Thee middle class think being comfortable means being happy, but the rich realize that extraordinary things happen when we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations.
The same sort of thing is happening in health care, another aspect of human capital: middle-class people lead healthier lives than the poor, go to the doctor more often and spend more per visit.
He felt that, single-minded and self-sacrificing as his parents were, there yet existed certain latent prejudices of theirs, as middle-class people, which it would require some tact to overcome.
So the only problem in the small villages now is that there are too few houses for all the middle class people who would like to buy them.
Sceptics may feel this is a learning disability too far — another chance for middle-class parents to classify little Johnny as different, rather than thick.
But for anyone else who wants to live middle class life style with good long term benefits look scary.
The wealthy see themselves as more successful than the middle class do even though their wealth doesn't bring them joy.
They have younger demographics, an emerging middle class and consumers who are not saddled with debt.
Perhaps a similarly large number consider themselves middle class because they can't face that they're poor.
Forty years ago a man with a high school diploma could work at a steel factory for a middle-class salary.
In undirected data mining, you are trying to create groups of data, or find patterns in existing data - creating the "Soccer Mom" demographic group, for example.
Business titans do not want to drive the same car that middle-class, first-time buyers are driving.
For all these reasons, it seems more likely that the new middle classes will be victims of recession, rather than the people to haul the world out of trouble, as the world Bank hopes.
For all these reasons, it seems more likely that the new middle classes will be victims of recession, rather than the people to haul the world out of trouble, as the world Bank hopes.