• 微分定理微分学基本定理

    Differential medial value theorem is the basic theorem of the calculus.


  • 本文介绍柯西中值定理多种证明方法及其应用

    This paper introduces the proof and application of Cauchy mean-value theorem from many angles in every aspect.


  • 定理包括罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理哥西定理

    The middle value theorem consists of Roue. Lagrang and Cauchy theorem.


  • 应用区间定理给出了拉格朗日定理一个新的证明

    A new way to prove Lagrange's mean value theorem is given using the theorem of interval nest.


  • 由此可见罗尔微分值定理可以实数完备性直接推论

    This implies that Rolles Theorem is the direct consequence of completeness of real numbers.


  • 主要讨论第二积分定理中值”的性和渐近速度

    This paper discusses the asymptotic rate of "mean value point" in second mean value theorem for integrals.


  • 针对对称导数、对称导数,给出了一些形式的微分定理

    In this paper, symmetric derivative and symmetric partial derivative are researched and some new differential mean value theorems are defined.


  • 本文利用积分上限函数给出证明定理类似问题一种方法

    This paper applies an integral upper limit functions to giving a method for the solution of the problems similar to those as the proven mean value theorem.


  • 利用泰勒公式给出定理”渐性质定量刻画

    Using the Taylor formula, gives the theorem of mean "the value point" an approach nature quota portray.


  • 本文分析微分定理推广复分析得到了相应的结果

    In this paper, the differential mean value theorem of real analysis is extended to the complex analysis and correspondence results are obtained.


  • 定理工具给出利用一阶导数判定二元函数方法

    The criterion extreme value of binary function for first partial derivative is given by means of the mean value theorem. The two theorems are obtained.


  • 其次拉格朗日定理一些等式不等式的证应用十分广泛。

    Secondly, the Lagrange mean value theorem in some proof of identity and the inequality in a wide range of applications.


  • 最后结合拉格朗日微分定理改进了积分中值定理条件结论

    Finally, the condition and result of integral mean-value theorem are also improved combined with the Lagrange mean value theorem of differentials.


  • 曲面积分定理给出了一个新的证明,并举出相关例子加以应用

    In this paper, a new proving of the mean value theorem of integral on surface is given, with some application in related cases presented.


  • 总结高等数学拉格朗日中值定理五个方面应用举例加以说明。

    The paper sums up the application of Lagrange mean theorem in five aspects in high mathematics, and give an example to illustrate its application.


  • 讨论了二元函数定理渐近性质给出相关问题

    The asymptotic properties of mean value in the mean value of bivariate functions are discussed, a solution is presented for related inverse problem.


  • 构造辅助函数利用微分定理解决问题关键,构造辅助函数方法较多

    Constructing auxiliary functions is the key in using differential mean value theorem to solve problems; there are many methods for constructing auxiliary functions.


  • 给出微分定理一个推广形式所得结果应用函数性质的研究。

    This article gives a spreading form of the mean value theorem of differential and applies the gained results to the quality of convex function.


  • 本文论述柯西定理形式,并由此推出拉格朗日中值定理的高阶形式。

    This paper deals with the forms of higher order of Cauchy′s mean value theorem, from which the author draws an inference of the forms of higher order of Lagrange′s mean value theorem.


  • 文章根据最小曲率半径定义定理通过分析方法来确定桩基极限荷载

    Based on the minimum curvature radius definition and mid value theorem, the pape gives the method of determining the limit load of pile foundation through extreme value analysis.


  • 分割区域d基础将解析函数共轭解析函数微分中值定理推广形式。

    Basing on a partition of region d, we generalize the differential mean-value theorems for analytic functions and conjugate analytic functions to a high order case.


  • 介绍一种通过槽区实测资料的相关分析,利用定理计算灌溉人系数方法

    This paper introduced a method to calculate irrigation permeated coefficient in utilizing media value theorem.


  • 应用区间连续函数性质实数连续性定理,给出证明广义中值定理一个思路。

    Closed interval continuous function and continuity theorem of real number apply to a novel demonstration of general theorem of the mean.


  • 考虑环境辐射影响,基于定理推导定义等效波长,用于简化数学模型

    The equivalent wavelength is deduced and defined by considing the influence of ambient radiation, and adopted to simplify the mathematical model of temperature measurement.


  • 给出柯西定理一个新的证法,说明柯西值定理拉格朗中值定理导出

    This paper gives the new method to prove the cauchy mean value theorem which also may be deduced from the Lagrange mean value theorem.


  • 讨论一类曲线积分定理近性质,得到了更具一般性的新结果

    This paper is devoted to studying the asymptotic behavior of the intermediate point in the mean value theorem for first form curve integrals. A general result is obtained.


  • 给出柯西定理一个新的证法,说明柯西中值定理拉格朗中值定理导出

    This paper gives the new method to prove the Cauchy Mean Value Theorem, which also may be deduced from the Lagrange Mean Value Theorem.


  • 最后探讨拉格朗定理证明辅助函数构造方法以此拓展定理证明的思路

    Finally discusses the Lagrange mean value theorem proof method of constructing auxiliary function in order to expand on the idea of theorem proving.


  • 基础上通过构造区间依次证明了罗尔定理拉格朗日值定理柯西值定理

    On the basis of these theories, Rolle mean value theorem, Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem are proved by constructing nested interval.


  • 基础上通过构造区间依次证明了罗尔定理拉格朗日值定理柯西值定理

    On the basis of these theories, Rolle mean value theorem, Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem are proved by constructing nested interval.


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