Acid Number(AN) Milligrams of KOH required in tests to neutralize all the acidic constituents present in al g sample of a petroleum product.
"Mopping up" excess hydrogen ions - Neutralizing substances in the blood, such as bicarbonate and hemoglobin, mop up excess hydrogen ions and prevent pH from becoming too acidic.
参见ExampleDatabaseRoles . xml中介绍的示例,其中和必须用您希望存取的DB 2数据库的具体值来替换。
See the example shown in ExampleDatabaseRoles.xml where and have to be replaced with concrete values for the DB2 database you want to access.
This can be the use of a moving average or other weight-based scheme that moderates extreme values.
One of the most fundamental paradigms of nearly all programming languages is the ability to store values in variables, and later retrieve or modify those values.
The analysis of influencing factors on neutralization value K and its choose in STPP production are made in this article.
Sulphur is a potent chill-forming element. This element must be neutralised by maintaining adequate manganese content in accordance with the formula below as a minimum.
Describes how to pass strings by value, by reference, in structures, in classes, and in arrays.
Describes how to pass strings by value, by reference, in structures, in classes, and in arrays.