Ensure finance information accurately recorded and comply with UFRS and the GAAP of China.
According to the third quarter reports of three H-share Chinese airlines, their results are all out of our expectation.
The equivalent of China Gaap is item 24. IAS deals with the recognition and measurement of financial instruments including derivatives.
The research of this thesis will be significant, to some extent, for the international accounting harmonization and the Chinese GAAP revision and consummation.
The Chinese economic environment is another explanation. In the final part of the thesis, we offer some opinions to improve the process of formulation accounting standards.
"China's accountant principle System" issued on Feb. 15, 2006 has marked an all-round joint of China's accountant principles with the international accountant principles.
Macve: I mean part of the difficulty, I think, as you would expect, is China's accounting standards are still Chinese accounting standards, but they are almost the same as IFRS.
So in order to solve this problem and set up the accounting standards system in China, we must base on our country's peculiar environment.
The new Chinese Accounting Standards has been issued on February 15, 2006, which emblematizes it further approaches to the International Accounting Standards.
The Chinese-owned part signs a series of contracts with the listed entity to transfer revenues in a way that allows the books of the two companies to be consolidated under U.
The Chinese-owned part signs a series of contracts with the listed entity to transfer revenues in a way that allows the books of the two companies to be consolidated under U.