China has initiated an emergency response plan to cope with the drought.
The plan involved the development and promotion of a Chinese 3G technology called TD-SCDMA, or TD-S.
One answer is to seek new roles: cyber-defence, and building ties with India and China.
Japan, with its own need for oil, has pressed a competing proposal for a pipeline that would bypass China.
Unlike other Chinese firms, SAIC has not “borrowed” technology, components or designs for its new car. It has bought them or developed them in-house.
As a result, China's debt should only be about 20 per cent of GDP even after the stimulus.
The United States is better able to track the other side's submarines; it is superior in cyber-warfare and less vulnerable than China in space-if only because it has built-in redundancy.
Against that backdrop, Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) offers some alternative measures for H1N1 prevention.
Foreign suppliers of metals and machinery for infrastructure construction and companies that target Chinese consumers will be closely watching the effects of the stimulus program.
A more radical solution would be to opt for a G2 of China and America.
This may sound like a free solution to global warming—but not if you have to breathe China's air.
Some think that the failure of the League's initiative may force Russia and China to abstain in a UN Security Council vote.
China has had a generous pension scheme that is largely unfunded and runs on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis.
Whether the different outcome is the result of environmental or genetic factors is unknown, but China offers a huge pool of subjects for study and a promising market for any resulting treatments.
When countries and political parties in the eurozone squabble among themselves over how to proceed, how can China support any hastily cobbled together rescue packages?
When countries and political parties in the eurozone squabble among themselves over how to proceed, how can China support any hastily cobbled together rescue packages?