• 描述裂变、微型裂变中子探测器实验安排以及降低测量本底的措施。

    Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.


  • 介绍了一种用于中子研究RIBLL终端大面积中子探测器阵列的研制。

    The design of large area neutron array detector at RIBLL for the study of neutron-rich nuclei is presented.


  • 腔内中子计数小于10%,计数依赖于热中子探测器所在位置

    Inside the sphere cavity, the ratio of ultra thermal neutron counting rate to thermal one is less than 10%, but the counting rates slightly depend on the position of thermal neutron detector.


  • 采用大面积的平面工艺硅pin探测器结合聚乙烯研制响应脉冲中子探测器

    Adopting large area Si-PIN detector and adding the polyethylene film, a fast response pulsed neutron detector is manufactured.


  • 本文介绍了脉冲中子辐射场探测可以防止漏计数又实时监测中子探测器的研究。

    A new type of neutron detector which can avoid counting loss and carry out real-time measurement for pulsed neutron field will be introduced in the paper.


  • 利用激光强度入射中子注量率的相关性探讨了反应堆活性区核泵浦激光中子探测器的理论可行性。

    The neutron measurement system based on the Nuclear Pumped Laser (NPL) techniques was explored in this work utilizing the relationship between the neutron flux and the NPL laser power.


  • 搭载月球探测器上的中子探测器发现特定地区中子辐射量减少,而也许表明月表上可能会液态水氢气的存在。

    A neutron detector aboard the lunar orbiter found a decrease in neutron radiation that could represent either water or hydrogen in certain areas.


  • 信使早期近地探测没有拍到比较好的图像,但是人造飞船中子探测器捕获到了迹象水中的氢—或许表明了水星上可能存在冰

    Messenger's earlier flybys didn't get a good look, but the spacecraft's neutron detectors will seek signs of hydrogen — the H in H2Owhich would suggest it might be ice.


  • 本文通过脉冲中子测量了液体闪烁探测器DT中子灵敏度

    The sensitivity of liquid scintillation detector for DT neutrons is measured with pulse neutron tube.


  • 主要介绍探测器区熔硅单晶高精度微量中子嬗变掺杂技术

    The technique of high precision trace neutron transmutation doping of detector grade high resistance zone-refined Si mono-crystal is introduced.


  • 本文介绍神光装置上塑料闪烁探测器测量辐射驱动内爆低产额中子数据处理方法

    This paper introduces a data processing method about the low yield neutrons from irradiation drive which are measured at the "Shenguang" facility with a plastic scintillation detector.


  • 计算结果表明,叠层探测器响应能量分辨率中子能量、聚乙烯以及衰减厚度有关。

    The calculated results show that both energy response and resolution of the detector are related to neutron energy and the thicknesses of both polyethylene and Pb.


  • 计算结果表明1叠层探测器能量响应中子能量、聚乙烯厚度有关

    The results show the followings: 1 the energy response of the detector combination is related to the neutron energy, and the thickness of the polyethylene and Pb.


  • 介绍了飞行时间方法测量裂变中子谱时中子裂变碎片探测器周围材料上散射影响

    The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.


  • 将需要更多探测器因为双星中子产生引力波相比这些引力波还要弱。

    This requires even more detectors because these waves are even weaker than the waves from binary stars and neutron stars.


  • 利用液体闪烁探测器BC 501a,测量得到铅硼聚乙烯8组实验样品DT中子透射率实验数据。

    The DT neutron transmittance of 8 kinds of Fb-B polythene composite were measured by BC501A detector.


  • 本文描述一个金硅探测器锥形聚乙烯薄膜辐射体所组成的中子谱议

    A semiconductor fast neutron spectrometer consisting of a Au-Si surface barrier detector and a conical polyethylene foil radiator is described.


  • 利用脉冲中子研究探测器DT中子响应闪烁探测器进行了比较。

    The neutron response was studied using the DT neutron sources and compared with the scintillator detector.


  • 根据探测器中子灵敏度己知各向异性系数估计中子的源源强。

    By the neutron sensitivity of the detector and the known anisotropic coefficients, it is able to estimate the strength and angular strength of the neutron source to be measured.


  • 介绍PMT闪烁探测器测量脉冲中子由于粒子统计涨落而使脉冲波形呈现毛刺现象。

    This paper introduces that the DT pulse neutron takes on the waveform with burred feature because of fluctuation of particle statistic when it is measured through the PMT scintillant detector.


  • 屏蔽检验散射本底中子影响,高探测器本底中子影响很小

    The experimental-shielding method is used to proof-test the fraction of scattered background neutrons, and for high-threshold detectors, the influence of background neutrons is very small.


  • 屏蔽检验散射本底中子影响,高探测器本底中子影响很小

    The experimental-shielding method is used to proof-test the fraction of scattered background neutrons, and for high-threshold detectors, the influence of background neutrons is very small.


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