• 人生尤如一巧克力永远猜不透过滋味

    Life such as a box of chocolate, you never know what you go to get!


  • 中滋味标普500已有所体会。但是考虑大多数股指07期有过飙升,那么,股票价格可能上两的时间来实现持续反弹至少,达到历史基准需要那么长的时间。

    However, given that most stock indices peaked only around mid-2007, equity prices could still take a couple more years for a sustained rebound, at least by historical benchmarks.


  • 盐水鸭加工过程卤工艺鸭肉滋味成分作用显著。

    The brining process in water-boiled salted duck had a great effect on the taste compounds of duck meat.


  • 如果符合那些神秘莫测的大写字母定义的话,那么它可能是虚幻的、恐怖的、冒险的、怪异其他文学作品想象的滋味我们渴望知道这些

    If it fits your definition of those enigmatic initials, be it fantasy, horror, speculative, weird or any any flavour of imagnative literature, then we want to know about it.


  • 把调料化合物放在鱼上使得它们可以溶解于酒提供滋味

    You're pulling flavor compounds out of the fish so that they can contribute to the flavor in the sauce.


  • 这项研究的团队18个机构组成,他们辨认出了克利奥洛树植物基因组参与产生氧化物基因,产生天然色素的基因,以及产生香味滋味的基因。 另外还发现了几百个认为抗病害的基因。

    A team from 18 institutions identified those that influence the production of antioxidants, pigments, aromas and flavours, as well as hundreds thought to be involved in disease resistance.


  • 实际上享受改变滋味不是因为感到需要改善自己生活而是因为改变不断地学到新的东西

    I actually relish change, not because I feel I need to improve my life, but because in change, I learn new things. Constantly.


  • 还真切地记得演出当晚,我正在学校餐厅里完饭;越发感觉自己不会成为计划一个部分。 我神经质地把食物扒拉尽嘴里,感觉不到任何滋味

    I vividly remember eating dinner in the cafeteria on the day of casting; as I grew more sure I wouldn’t be part of his plans, I nervously shoveled food into my mouth without actually tasting anything.


  • :“从来不知道生活饥饿什么滋味不知道在没有暖气空调房子里过日子是什么感觉。”

    'I have never known what it is like to live in hunger or face the elements in a home without the comforts of heat or air conditioning,' she says.


  • 走在走廊里时,突然意识到刚才竟忘了留意其他所有客人一样台阶走过门卫穿过自己旋转门滋味

    He was halfway through the lobby when he realized he'd forgotten to notice what it felt like coming up the steps, past the doorman, through the revolving door on his own, a guest like any other.


  • 种食物,滋味实在是惹人爱,以至于人们每年为主食的一个连锁餐厅上的钱高达200亿美元,所以这个排行榜必须得有这种好吃的。

    When something tastes so good that people spend US$20 billion each year in a single restaurant chain devoted to it, you know it has to fit into this list.


  • 别人容易地理解酸什么,由于他们可以从已有知识得出新的信息(想象酸橙的滋味)。

    That person would most likely be able to identify a lime easily, because he or she will be able to consult stored knowledge to conjure new information (the imagined taste of a lime).


  • 阴暗简陋的筒子楼里,在呛人油烟气味,令人饱尝生活的真实滋味

    In the gloomy and simple apartments with choky smokes, you can taste the real flavor of life.


  • Maillard反应高温条件下果糖葡萄糖蜂蜜鸭肉氨基酸反应,生成多种新的分子增加了菜肴的滋味颜色

    In the Maillard reaction, at high temperatures, fructose and glucose in the honey reacts with amino acids in the duck, producing a variety of new molecules that add flavor and color.


  • 第二仿佛是要回答问题日本献出了一生吃到滋味最美海鲜

    The very next day, as if in answer to these questions, Japan served me the best seafood meal of my life.


  • 想象紫色黄昏桑葚滋味

    I imagine the taste of the mulberries in the violet dusk.


  • 知道漠不关心打交道怎么一回事,那些冷漠无情的人群孤独依又是什么滋味

    She knew what it was to meet with people who were indifferent, to walk alone amid so many who cared absolutely nothing about you.


  • 在那里遇见实力强大的拳击手力石彻,初惨败滋味石也丈所击出重拳察觉到了潜力

    There, he met a powerful stone Boxing Hand Toru, have begun to taste the taste of defeat, and the power of ten feet from the stone hit the punch in the notice to his potential.


  • 感觉青涩着淡淡的芳香你的感觉平滑带着柔柔的起伏,想你的感觉兴奋着甜甜的滋味现在剥开衣服

    Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now.


  • 我们继续行进,然后跌倒在很多深达膝盖的水坑我们的长统雨靴满是棕色泥浆牛粪,这种滋味可不好受

    We carried on and fell into many puddles knee deep, filling our wellies with muddy brown water and cow manure, not a great combination.


  • 嘴去含雪花体验那青冷的的滋味向后松软雪堆舞动双臂成了天使

    Catch a snowflake on our tongue and feel its cold, clean taste. Fall backward into a soft drift of snow, swirl our arms, and make an angel.


  • 尝到自由滋味现在似乎回到日常生活抗争

    I'd been given a taste of freedom and now it would seem I was back to dealing with the struggles of everyday life.


  • 制成的三种酸奶评分检验香气色泽、外观形态滋味四项指标超声波酸奶在香气和外观形态方面表现最好

    Evaluated by marking test, in the four targets of fragrance, color, shape and taste, the yoghurt after ultrasonic homogenization is best in fragrance and shape.


  • 这家餐厅理念,力求打破人们偏见,消除人们独自就餐时感受到的尴尬感,向人们证明在不需要交谈的场合你才能品出一顿美餐最佳滋味

    Thee idea is to try and break the stigma that has become attached to dining alone and prove that a great meal is best appreciated without conversation.


  • EGCG含量不仅影响着茶汤滋味而且具有很强氧化性,广泛应用癌症其他疾病的预防及治疗过程

    The content of EGCG not only effect the taste of tea, but also it is used in medical treatment for its antioxidant, such as the cancer and other diseases.


  • 主要介绍了天然水产滋味产品原料生产工艺、产品特性及其食品工业的应用

    The raw materials, manufacturing methods, product characteristics and applications in food industry of the natural fishery flavor products are introduced in the paper.


  • 巴西的比赛第一次品尝到失败滋味后来哥伦比亚队点球,塔雷萨球场赢得了他应得的掌声

    There he tasted defeat for the first time against Brazil, but converted a consolatory penalty and earned a standing ovation from the crowd in Fortaleza for his efforts.


  • 女人一生没有尝过这种人默默暗恋滋味该是多么遗憾。

    In a woman's life, if she did not taste this flavor of being loved stealthily, she shall feel so regretful.


  • 女人一生没有尝过这种人默默暗恋滋味该是多么遗憾。

    In a woman's life, if she did not taste this flavor of being loved stealthily, she shall feel so regretful.


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