• 巴西亨廷顿医学生殖临床研究人员拉.凡特贝克,“年龄是有影响的。”

    Researcher Paula Fettback, of the Huntington Medicina Reproductiva clinic in Brazil, said: ‘Age counts


  • 目的研究通过不同中医临床研究人员同一患者症状收集中医辨证进行一致性评测。

    To explore agreement and related factors of observation of clinical symptoms in TCM clinical research has an important practical significance.


  • AmirTirosh位来自波士顿布莱妇女医院哈佛公共卫生学院临床研究人员说道。

    Amir Tirosh, a clinical and research fellow in the endocrine division at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.


  • 加州心脏节律研讨会目的是召集基本科学家临床研究人员临床医生学术临床实践方面心脏电生理

    The California Heart Rhythm Symposium aims to bring together basic scientists, clinical researchers and clinicians in academic and clinical practice in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.


  • 估计会出现许多严重临床感染病例。”研究人员

    "Much remains to estimate the clinical severity of infection," say the researchers.


  • 然而研究人员制药大幅削减用于对药剂进行评价临床试验资金

    However, researchers and pharmaceutical manufacturers have significantly cut back on funds for the evaluation and clinical testing of new agents.


  • 研究人员认为这项发现治疗恐慌创伤后应激障碍患者临床意义

    The researchers suggest the finding has implications for the treatment of patients with panic disorder or PTSD.


  • 科克系统评价数据库2007年收录研究报告显示,研究人员集中分析临床实验病例,观察咖啡因哮喘疗效

    In a 2007 study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, researchers pooled and analyzed the results of a half dozen clinical trials looking at the effects of caffeine on asthmatics.


  • 不过在转基因上市之前研究人员需要动物进行临床研究,以确保安全和恢复肠道的作用

    Before the milk will ever make it to market, though, researchers will need to conduct clinical studies in animals and people to prove its safety and its ability to heal the gut.


  • 对于医学研究人员也是同样情形。他们招募志愿者参加临床试验主要是将新药物首次使用于人体的第一阶段试验。

    The same is true of medical researchers recruiting volunteers for clinical trials, especially those known as phase I trials, in which a new drug is tested on people for the first time.


  • 世界卫生组织(世组织)今天启动一个新的网站帮助研究人员医生消费者期刊编辑记者方便快捷地检索关于临床试验信息

    WHO today launched a new web site that will enable researchers, health practitioners, consumers, journal editors and reporters to search more easily and quickly for information on clinical trials.


  • 动物身上进行的临床试验的结果鼓舞研究人员,让他们信心展开人体试验

    Preclinical tests in animals encouraged the researchers to be confident about starting human trials.


  • 为了进一步了解ADRs临床特点研究人员利物浦12个医院病人药物不良反应进行了6个多月的评估

    To further understanding of the clinical characteristics of ADRs, researchers at Liverpool assessed drug reactions of patients on 12 hospital wards over a six-month period.


  • 研究人员相信大脑也存在类似开关并且认为用于临床新药10之后便开发出来。

    The researchers are confident that a similar switch exists in the human brain - and say that drugs that capitalise on their discovery could be in use in ten years.


  • 研究人员把结果发表2011年7月酒精中毒临床实验研究》上。

    Researchers published the study in the July 2011 edition of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.


  • 显然,这种病毒不是解释肥胖的唯一原因研究人员临床医生仅仅理论作为一种可能促进因素提出来。

    This virus is clearly not the only explanation for obesity, and researchers and clinicians only offer the theory as one possible contributing factor.


  • 研究人员发表于《酒精中毒:临床实验研究期刊上的报告指出研究证实少量或适量饮酒有助于预防中风心脏病

    In a report in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental research, the researchers note that light to moderate drinking has been shown to help protect against stroke and heart disease.


  • 研究人员孩子进行评估时并没有借助医生其他临床大夫相反这些结论完全根据孩子母亲评价

    The researchers did not use doctors or other clinicians to evaluate the children. Instead, the findings were based on the mothers' evaluations.


  • 根据以往临床工作研究人员知道通过增加神经可塑性方式影响大脑可以改善视力

    Based on past clinical work, the authors knew that working the brain in a way that increases neural plasticity is beneficial to vision.


  • 研究人员总是强调统计平均数然而临床医生强调的却是人们身上实际发生什么

    Researchers always focus on the statistical averages but clinicians focus on what is actually happening with individuals.


  • 由于各方面调查研究人员如此众多HIV疫苗临床试验产品展开计划展开工作,现在时机已经成熟,应当加强全球协作

    With so many HIV vaccine clinical trials testing novel products ongoing and planned by a wide variety of investigators, it is time to intensify global collaboration.


  • 研究人员认为多种因素造成的,比如由于妇女需要养育子女,因此很多研究让育龄妇女参加临床试验有所顾虑

    Researchers say several factors could be responsible, from childcare issues to reluctance by researchers to expose women of childbearing age to trial drugs and treatments.


  • 而且研究人员可以因此患者完全病发之前作出诊断并作临床干预

    They could also be used for inventing ways to diagnose children with autism before they develop the full-blown syndrome, as well as for designing clinical interventions.


  • 来自欧洲各国临床医生认为,降温疗法或降低中风成千上万名患者大脑造成的损伤程度。爱丁堡大学研究人员参与了此项研究

    The team from the University of Edinburgh are joining clinicians from across Europe who believe hypothermia could reduce brain damage in thousands of stroke patients.


  • 来自欧洲各国临床医生认为,降温疗法或降低中风成千上万名患者大脑造成的损伤程度。爱丁堡大学研究人员参与了此项研究

    The team from the University of Edinburgh are joining clinicians from across Europe who believe hypothermia could reduce brain damage in thousands of stroke patients.


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