The Japanese group said it had lost real names, birth dates, E-mail addresses and Sony passwords in what it described as an "intrusion" nearly a week earlier.
为避免招致误解,SAL 9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”,“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。
SAL9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.
Thee Japanese group said it had lost real names, birth dates, e-mail addresses and Sony passwords in what it described as an "intrusion" nearly a week earlier.
为避免招致误解,SAL 9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”,“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。
SAL 9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.
为避免招致误解,SAL 9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”,“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。
SAL 9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.