• 阿富汗选举委员会主任星期一告诉记者重新计票还要再几天时间,最后结果应该在下星期周末之前揭晓。

    The deputy director of the Afghan election commission told reporters Monday that the recount should take a few days and final results should be ready by the end of next week.


  • 康涅狄克州哈特福市马克吐温故居资料馆主任杰夫·尼科尔斯告诉记者,马克吐温有意选用这些词句是为了反映那个时代

    Jeff Nichols, the executive director of the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut, said Twain chose his words on purpose, to reflect his times.


  • 记者培训中心中心位于巴黎主任ChristopheDeloire问题归咎于法国最大的报纸LaGazette,这份报纸CardinalRichelieu1631年资助创办。

    Christophe Deloire, director of the Centre for Journalist Training in Paris, traces the problem to France’s first newspaper, La Gazette, founded in 1631 under the auspices of Cardinal Richelieu.


  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯武器实验室主任唐纳德M克尔最近就通用电气公司进展做了概略说明,他接受记者采访时说,看着经过几十年的夸大宣称取得的突破。 他,激光浓缩经历了从“强行推销,期望过高的套技术”到“成为接近真正的产业过程”。

    Donald M. Kerr, a former director of the Los Alamos weapons lab who was recently briefed on G.E.’s advance, said in an interview that it looked like a breakthrough after decades of exaggerated claims.


  • 秘鲁国家文化中心主任路易斯·伦布雷拉斯告诉记者说:“不幸的是,耶鲁大学这些文物视为他们的财产,不肯归还因此我们必须对簿公堂。”

    "Unfortunately, this has to be resolved via the courts because Yale claims ownership and doesn't want to give these artifacts back, " INC Director Luis Lumbreras told reporters.


  • 可能不会采取中国开始达到这些财富上海同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室主任翦知湣法新社记者说。

    But it may not take China long to begin reaching some of these riches, Jian Zhimin, director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology at Shanghai's Tongji University, told AFP.


  • 国际自然保护联盟主任英格¼·安德森告诉记者说:“今天是个悲伤日子因为国际自然保护联盟名单显示我们正在毁灭我们亲缘关系最近的动物。”

    "Today is a sad day because the IUCN Red List shows we are wiping out some of our closest relatives," Inger Andersen, IUCN director general, told reporters.


  • 宿豫龙镇村冉冉制衣厂,记者见到该厂负责人娥,丈夫凌文,村委会副主任

    Longzhen Road in Suyu District to Tun slowly garment factory, the reporter saw the plant responsible paternity Xiao e, Ling Wen called her husband, is deputy director of the village committee.


  • 专业媒介继续地许多平面媒介记者编辑首要记者编辑北部部门主任等等

    The professional media person, successively and south many plane media is reporter, the edition, chief reporter, editing department director in north and so on.


  • 弗朗西斯博士布兰卡,世卫组织营养主任,在记者招待会上:'根据目前证据10%的目标强烈推荐”,5%的目标是“有条件的”。

    "Dr Francesco Branca, WHO's nutrition director, told a news conference that the 10% target was a" strong recommendation "while the 5% target was" conditional ", based on current evidence."


  • 弗朗西斯博士布兰卡,世卫组织营养主任,在记者招待会上:'根据目前证据10%的目标强烈推荐”,5%的目标是“有条件的”。

    "Dr Francesco Branca, WHO's nutrition director, told a news conference that the 10% target was a" strong recommendation "while the 5% target was" conditional ", based on current evidence."


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