Woods eventually confessed to infidelity and lost major sponsorships.
A friend of mine works in the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is the major sponsor of the movie.
The Conference was co-sponsored by Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation.
The study's main sponsor was the government's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
A friend of mine works at the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is a major sponsor of the movie.
But in recent years, Anta has become the main sponsor for activities such as the Chinese Basketball Association, the China Volleyball league and China's table-tennis league.
Liu will head to Beijing on Thursday for the unveiling of a new apparel line bearing his name, produced by one of his major sponsors.
One of the major sponsors was Audi - and many of its key customers, distributors and partners were part of the VIP list.
But because Budweiser is one of the key sponsors of FIFA, the organization forced Brazil to change the potentially life-saving law to allow Budweiser to sell beer.
自由软件基金会(FSF)是Gnu (GnusNotUNIX)项目的主要赞助商,该组织的使命是提供免费的软件。
The free software Foundation (FSF) is the main sponsor of the Gnu (Gnu's Not UNIX) Project whose mission is to provide free software.
GE, a sponsor of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, has pinned much of its hopes for growth on Chinese markets.
11月份李宁宣布将斥资3.21亿港元(合4,100万美元)收购上海红双喜冠都体育用品有限公司(ShanghaiDoubleHappiness Co.) 58%的股份。 红双喜主要生产乒乓球桌和相关体育用品,同时也是奥运会赞助商。
Li Ning in November announced it would pay HK$321 million (US$41 million) to buy 58% of Shanghai Double Happiness Co., a leading maker of ping-pong tables and equipment and a sponsor of the Olympics.
The Olympics have 12 main sponsors, from Kodak, which backed the first modern games in 1896, and Coca-Cola, part of the show since 1928, to Lenovo, a Chinese computer company that signed up in 2005.
The association is mainly dedicates to protect models rights and also trying to proceed with smooth business relations with our client and sponsor.
He pitched for a major naming rights sponsor and got one to sign for $200K(1.1 Million RMB).
This is very bad news to main rivals McLaren which means they could loose a huge sponsor.
This is very bad news to main rivals McLaren which means they could loose a huge sponsor.