The shadow of the Uruguay round arguably extended beyond this nettlesome detail.
Pragmatic and effective measures be adopted to guarantee the implementation of the Uruguay Round agreements;
He believes that the Round cannot be concluded before the end of this year.
There still exist some defects in "Antidumping Rules" of Uraguay Round.
The Uruguayan round of talk lasted three years before it came to an agreement.
Fortunately, the Agreement on Agriculture of WTO concluded by the Uruguay Round Talks changed this situation.
WTO was formed due to the presence of Pakistan in Uruguay round.
Tried to peel it off, but the skin thickens, just like the one on ur middle finger.
He believed it would help bring the stalled Uruguay Round of trade talks on track.
Ten years have passed since the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. Now it is time for development countries to make up their minds.
We took part in the whole Uruguay Round process and signed the final package agreements of the Uruguay Round.
The SPS Agreement established in Uruguay Round stipulates regulations on SPS measures.
Evidence is found for larger Uruguay Round tariff cuts increasing the probability of subsequent antidumping investigations.
Trade talks always seem to break down before they succeed: the Uruguay round was supposed to be over in four years and dragged on for a painful eight.
GATS, taking effect after the Uruguay Round, has bring legal services, together with other service sectors, into the track of liberalization.
The agreement sets up a harmonization programme, to be initiated as soon as possible after the completion of the Uruguay Round and to be completed within three years of initiation.
Mr Sutherland argues that his experience during the Uruguay round of trade talks taught him that having a firm timetable is the best way to knock heads together.
The Uruguay Round was quite simply the largest trade negotiation ever, and most probably the largest negotiation of any kind in history.
But as subsidy measures distort the effects of international trade, steps were taken in the Uruguay Round agreements to bring about balanced subsidy agreements among WTO member nations.
The Origin Rules Agreements set up in Uruguay round stipulated the unified rules on non -preferential rules of origin but no multi -rules on the preferential ones.
In the Uruguay Round 10 years ago, the WTO ATC explicitly provided that developed countries should eliminate their textile and clothing quotas by stages in ten year's time.
This article, therefore, after briefly reviewing the history of Uruguay Round negotiations on MONP, elaborates on legal boundary of MONP under the GATS framework and its defections.
The eighth and final GATT round, the Uruguay round, took place against this background and in the more difficult international economic environment of the 1980s and '90s.
The eighth and final GATT round, the Uruguay round, took place against this background and in the more difficult international economic environment of the 1980s and '90s.