To make that happen, you have to help the child find pleasure in learning—to see school as a source of joy.
We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this: If you put just a bit of it into your day, your energy will increase quickly.
In fact, those thousands of hours of forced work at math, done for a grade and not for fun or for any practical use, are what make math seem so difficult and intimidating.
The answer was there all along, and I was so afraid Edward would see that and ruin my fun.
It's important to keep in mind always that what we do can be fun And never lose that sense of fun and enjoy exploring things I think being an engineer is partly just problem-solving and mind-set.
Just run your own race, and most importantly, have fun! It's a blast.
I read that material, more out of obligation than enjoyment. For enjoyment, for me, it’s a beer and the football game.
For most, it was an initiation (it's generally illegal to sell wild game, so you have to have a source like Buddy), but seemingly not to be an isolated instance of enjoyment.
That is a part of the special joy of a psychotherapy relationship.
'I don't really see this experiment as scary, I see it almost as an amusement,' she said.
I shall have to toil and moil all my days, with only little bits of fun now and then, and get old and ugly and sour, because I'm poor and can't enjoy my life as other girls do.
Working with an unusual repository can actually add a little fun to the mapping process; but that's assuming that content integration is your idea of fun, which may be true only for me.
There are lots of fun, interesting things technology can do for you when it knows a little bit about where you are, what you need and what you care about.
You're trying to make your team better here, trying to increase the value you can add to the organization, trying to make your own life better by putting the fun back into work.
If you're young with nary a wrinkle in sight, or if you just want to have fun with makeup rather than worry about whether it brings out your crow's feet, be as experimental as you'd like.
I used to answer honestly, but that brought little joy and did little to give me any sense of control.
Even events that are supposed to be fun, like having friends over for a dinner party, become stressful as it can take all day to prepare (this also links into the first point - Time).
They might make a little extra money but they also enjoy it.
I don't mean to say that I deserve to be the pride and delight of his life - you believe me, I know - but I am.
An important step is continually looking for joy throughout your life. This happens in a variety of ways.
The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common.
Frank: Now remember all the times you said we never go anywhere and we're always working and we never have any fun?
Frank: Now remember all the times you said we never go anywhere and we're always working and we never have any fun?