They can also be friends and family but the biggest DreamBuster can be you, the way you talk to yourself.
Maybe it's a friend of you, or your lover, or a net-friend you have never met, or a stranger you just met only once.
Sometimes these kind of drastic transformations are better-assisted with the help of a professional of some kind, a therapist, a counselor and/or your spouse or special friend.
It may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement.
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, for one, suggests that if you've cracked a thousand, maybe it's time to start "cutting some of the friend fat out of your life."
You may be the type that actually enjoys researching all the angles of every financial decision. Your friends and family all look to you for advice.
Maybe it's something you've been struggling with for a long time, or maybe it was a piece of advice you learned from a friend.
You may receive sudden news from someone today; perhaps a friend comes on a surprise visit or gets in touch. Be open for something spontaneous.
If you've been isolating yourself from friends and frequently declining invitations, your need for alone time may be a reaction to elevated stress levels.
Maybe these events occurred because of the teacher, the school, the weather, the subjects, your friends, etc... What events stand out for you?
Now, you might want to do a British accent because you're in a play, or maybe you want to impress your friends or maybe you want to fit in better in the UK.
Now you might want to do an American accent because you're in a play, or a film, or maybe you want to impress your friends, or maybe you want to try and fit in better in the USA.
Perhaps they are someone that you went to a wedding for, or a friend that has a loving relationship, or sisters or brothers who are married, or even your parents if they are still alive and together.
Ben: Yeah! You know you may be the best friend I've ever had.
Scenario: A "friend" consoles you after a bad date, saying, "Maybe you're setting your sights too high. "
Maybe it's the stress that the holidays can put on us, or maybe it's because your boyfriend gave you fruitcake instead of the silver necklace you wanted for Christmas.
This could be a friend of a friend, the cute girl in your sociology class, or the secretary at your office. In any case, this is a girl you know casually and have a crush on.
This could be a friend of a friend, the cute girl in your sociology class, or the secretary at your office. In any case, this is a girl you know casually and have a crush on.