Article 2 The term "dairy products" as mentioned in this Regulation refers to fresh milk and dairy products.
The Basic four is a food plan based on four food groups: milk and milk products, meats and meat substitutes, fruits and vegetables, and grains (breads and cereals).
一组以一种在酸奶和其它乳制品中经常发现的含乳酸杆菌属鼠李糖乳杆菌(学名为Lactobacillus rhamnosus)的特别液体培养基喂食。
One lot were fed a special broth containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a gut-dwelling bacterium often found in yogurt and other dairy products.
Dairy: While kefir and some yogurts are acceptable, dairy is hard on the body.
This article is devoted to the introduction of these bioactive peptides and the discussion of bioactive peptides in dairy products including fermented milks and cheeses.
The groups in the Basic Four are: milk and milk products, meats and meat alternates, fruits and vegetables, and grains(breads and cereals).
RT-3 strain, a yeast using lactose as a nutrient, was introduced and its suitbility to treat dairy industry wastewater and produce single cell protein (SCP) with whey were studied.
The amendment is part of a general update of all Mandatory standards dealing with the test methods for milk and milk products including revisions of 7 standards and 9 amendments.
However, with the extending of dairy supply chain and the complexity of participator, quality and safety problem of dairy products is increasingly prominent.
In this paper, the biological character, source and content of prion proteins in milk and milk products and their safety were reviewed.
The specific research interests include: milk powder, whey, cheese, dairy processing technology and changing mechanism during processing, development of vegetable protein products.
RZ50 Table Top Milk Centrifuge is used for standard physiochemical test on the relative density and fat volue of milk products with the method of gerber and yinihupfu.
RZ50 Table Top Milk Centrifuge is used for standard physiochemical test on the relative density and fat volue of milk products with the method of gerber and yinihupfu.