In this paper, the dealing risks about the secondary market of government bonds are introduced.
Ltd.. The CGSDTC. Co. Ltd. shall be responsible for providing services such as secondary market transaction settlement, proxy payment and release of relevant information.
Imagine one of the heavily-traded companies goes public at 30% lower than where it traded on the secondary market.
While related to stock markets the platforms are not expected to facilitate secondary market transactions but shareholders may dispose of shares outside the platform.
The securities firms is a subject in the system of investment banks of our country, their business is mainly engaged in securities issue and second marketing .
Also, with regard to liquidity, secondary trading is very prevalent among High Yield bonds. On the other hand, the secondary market for online consumer loans is still in its infancy stage.
The secondary market, by contrast, involves the resale of art objects, either through private dealers or auction houses.
Some may reckon that covenants are no longer necessary. First, they can now sell loans in the secondary market, an option that did not exist 20 years ago.
People tend to buy and hold here, so there isn't as much secondary market trading as perhaps the market makers would like.
Traders say the European Central Bank (ECB) acted aggressively behind the scenes, calling some 20 dealers to buy Portuguese debt in the secondary market.
In my opinion the current situation favours those very few investors that use tools to partly automate monitoring, analysis and transactions on the secondary market.
In secondary market, lending, trading and bond repurchase have also increased significantly.
Because the receipt is negotiable, it can be traded any number of times in the secondary market prior to its maturity.
The phenomenon that stocks in IPOs trade with high PE ratio and that their price rise at the beginning then slump in the secondary stock market has aroused great attention.
Only a few weeks after the campaign ended, secondary market trading prices for some of the top wines from 2010 have dropped by as much as 15%.
By considering the structure of the security market, the game model of seeking-rent supervision for the publishing market and the model of mixed strategies for the trading are designed.
The mortgage loan originates from the first mortgage market and is traded in the secondary mortgage market, where MBS comes into being.
Secondary market: the market where something is traded after having initially been sold (on the primary market) by the original owner or issuer.
Secondary market: the market where something is traded after having initially been sold (on the primary market) by the original owner or issuer.