• 第三互联网信息服务分为经营性非经营性

    Article 3. Internet information service is divided into two categories: profitable Internet information service and non-profitable Internet information service.


  • 办法所称互联网信息服务,是通过互联网上网用户提供信息服务活动。

    Internet information service in this Regulation refer to the provision of information through Internet to web users.


  • 本办法所称互联网信息服务是指通过互联网上网用户提供信息服务活动

    For the purposes of these Measures, the term "Internet information services" means the service activity of providing information services through the Internet to online subscribers.


  • 广播电台电视台报刊媒体以及互联网信息服务提供者应当开展兴奋剂宣传

    The broadcasting stations, TV stations, the press and media, and the Internet information service providers shall carry out anti - dope publicity.


  • 信息及其传输方式网络中立”——不受限制地访问互联网服务内容时髦术语——来说至关重要

    Information and how it travels are also central to "net neutrality," the buzzword for unrestricted access to Internet services and content.


  • 微博角色需要信息平台演化互联网服务平台。

    The role of the microblog may need to evolve from an information platform to an Internet service platform.


  • 网站Herdict.org,一个小组哈佛大学项目旨在人群类似的信息来源要求世界各地用户张贴具体互联网服务下去

    The site Herdict.org, a project of a group at Harvard University, aims to crowd source similar information by asking users around the world to post when specific internet services go down.


  • 他们不会使用118118这服务因为它们贵了而且这些信息可以互联网免费获得只要Google一下就可以了。

    They also do not use services such as 118 118 because it is quite expensive and they can get the information for free on the Internet, simply by typing it into Google.


  • 英国牛津大学正在开发一个自主导航系统它能接受来自随车携带传感器雷达摄像机激光互联网服务信息

    The University of Oxford is working on an autonomous navigation system that takes in information from onboard sensors, radar, cameras, lasers and Internet servers.


  • 外部服务来源不管不同用户还是开发者,是来自一个不同词典还是随机互联网发现某个网页,都解释映射信息

    An outside source, whether it be a different user or developer, a separate thesaurus, or even a random fact found on someone else's web page, can express mapping information.


  • 我们业务一方面面临着强大竞争特别是那些互联网信息人们联系提供相应广告服务公司

    We face formidable competition in every aspect of our business, particularly from companies that seek to connect people with information on the web and provide them with relevant advertising.


  • 互联网巨头推出这一服务后,程序员很快便想出该如何地图其他信息合成在一起。

    When the online giant launched the service, programmers quickly figured out how to mix the maps with other sources of information.


  • 通往互联网世界重要门户腾讯旗下即时信息服务QQ,腾讯是世界上极富争议也是最具价值数字专营服务商。

    The most important gateway into this world is QQ, the instant-messaging service owned by Tencent and arguably one of the world's most valuable digital franchises.


  • 通过互联网密切关联的各项服务中获取信息它把简单设备变成一种提供机制,用来提供各种精心设计体验

    It draws information from closely connected services over the Internet, turning a simple gadget into the delivery mechanism for a carefully designed experience.


  • 一旦信息请求抵达目的服务服务发送一个新的网页沿着互联网回复用户浏览器上

    Once that request reaches the server with that address, it responds by sending a new Web page that bounces back around the Internet to pop up on the user's browser.


  • 提出问题提供法律服务外包工人印度这样国家并且不是律师事务所自己的律师审阅案件文件特别是通过互联网,如何保护客户信息

    She raises issues like protection of client information when LPO workers in countries like India, and not a firm's own associates, review case documents, especially via the Internet.


  • 忧虑Skype用户急于获得一个适当后备计划一些其他互联网电话服务带来严重的损伤,因为他们信息流量迅速增加了.

    The scurry by worried Skype users to get a backup plan in place crippled a number of other internet telephony services as traffic to them suddenly rocketed.


  • 打开应用软件部分信息立刻就通过互联网上传到Color服务而不只是等到拍摄照片才会上传。

    Some of that info is sent over the Internet to Color's servers moments after the app is opened, not just when pictures are taken.


  • 再生资源回收经营者可以通过电话互联网形式居民企业建立信息互动,实现便民快捷的回收服务

    Business operator of recovery of the renewable resources may contact residents and enterprises by means of phone and Internet so as to provide convenient and quick recovery.


  • 互联网融合多种业务过程中面临服务质量信息安全和网络可信度等问题带来挑战

    The integration of multi-services in to the Internet will bring challenges to the maintenance of quality of service, information security, and trustworthiness.


  • 经营性互联网医疗保健信息服务是指向上网用户无偿提供公开、共享性医疗保健信息服务活动。

    The term "non-commercial internet medical and health information services" refers to the open and shared medical and health information services provided to internet users free of charge.


  • 虽然这些信息不能识别个人身份,但可以通过IP地址确定访问者互联网服务供应商联网地理位置

    Although such information is not personally identifiable, we can determine from the IP address a visitor's Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity.


  • CIDG国际数据集团目前国内新兴的的互联网交互式信息数据处理技术研发设计推广应用服务提供商

    CIDG International data Group - China is the emerging interactive Internet information data processing, technical research and development, design, marketing and application service providers.


  • 国泰航空信息未能送达不负任何责任,亦不能担保移动电话短信通过互联网服务供应商发送电子邮件的正确性及时性可靠性

    Cathay Pacific is not liable for non-delivery of messages, and cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of mobile phone text message or email sent to your ISP.


  • 随着互联网信息资源日益增多,用户个性化服务要求不断提高

    With the gradual increase of the information resources on the Internet, users 'demands for personalized services are increasingly heightened.


  • 随着互联网信息资源日益增多,用户个性化服务要求不断提高

    With the gradual increase of the information resources on the Internet, users 'demands for personalized services are increasingly heightened.


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