• 亚历克斯是否需要一次按摩

    Alex asked me if I wanted a massage.


  • 亚历克斯解释汽车毛病。

    Alex explained that his car had broken down.


  • 亚历克斯有分寸地不多作评论

    Alex tactfully refrained from further comment.


  • 亚历克斯女孩子兴趣。

    Alex is not interested in girls yet.


  • 亚历克斯生日蛋糕

    I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex.


  • 亚历克斯沉默伤心迷惑不解

    The silence from Alex had hurt and bewildered her.


  • 亚历克斯忘了电池充电

    Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.


  • 亚历克斯怎么啦?以前从未那样过。

    What's got into Alex? He never used to worry like that.


  • 在给亚历克斯蛋糕

    I'm baking Alex a cake.


  • 30号务必亲手交给克斯一些

    On the 30th you must without fail hand in some money for Alex.


  • 亚历克斯一时愤怒绝望几乎说不出话来

    Alex was almost speechless with rage and despair.


  • 有谁在乎?”亚历克斯佯作漠不关心地

    'Who cares?' said Alex, feigning indifference.


  • 亚历克斯已经走了

    Alex has already gone.


  • 不要责怪亚历克斯我们大家一样也是

    Don't blame Alex. He's human, like the rest of us.


  • 表情,亚历克斯感觉到了他无言批评

    His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism.


  • 远不如亚历克斯那么强烈地吸引,让她着迷。

    In no sense did he draw and enthral her as Alex had done.


  • 亚历克斯跃起,以至于打翻的那葡萄酒

    Alex jumped up so violently that he overturned his glass of wine.


  • 他们援引了亚历克斯拒绝重返婚后住所一事实为证

    They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home.


  • 应该有趣。” 亚历克斯说着,两眼着光。

    "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming.


  • 一种感觉亚历克斯喜欢可能只是一相情愿想法

    I've got a feeling that Alex likes me, but that might just be wishful thinking.


  • 亚历克斯开始跟着节拍起舞。

    Alex started to dance in time to the beat.


  • 上次亚历克斯写信什么时候

    When was the last time Alex wrote to you?


  • 亚历克斯唯一穿过长颈鹿

    Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.


  • 克斯带到动物园另一个区域

    He led Alex into another area of the zoo.


  • 亲爱的这样!”亚历克斯大叫道

    "Darling, don't do this to me!" Alex exclaimed.


  • 动物园工作人员来了亚历克斯带走了

    One day, one of the zoo workers came and took Alex away.


  • 亚历克斯想知道为什么罐子拒绝了面包黄油

    Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter.


  • 作为家里最小孩子亚历克斯总是渴望自己能够独立那一天。

    As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time when he should be able to be independent.


  • 亚历克斯得到所有左翼选票但是这里没有足够的左翼选票,对吧?

    Alex is going to get all the left-wing votes, but there aren't enough left-wing votes here, right?


  • 男孩名字亚历克斯——拒绝透露姓氏——他来自西维吉尼

    The boy had said his name was Alexhe'd declined to give a surname—and that he came from West Virginia.


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