• 产品生命周期成本一个战略成本概念

    Product life cycle cost is a concept in strategy cost.


  • 产品组合目的增加数据生命周期中的所有角色生产力以及降低管理数据库应用程序复杂性成本

    This portfolio is designed to increase productivity for all roles throughout the data life cycle and to help reduce the complexity and cost of managing database applications.


  • 两者相同之处主要体现在从设计入手考虑产品生命周期成本

    The sameness: both of them consider the production life cycle cost in design.


  • 公司品牌那些处于市场竞争中的公司有意义因为产品市场流通中的生命周期被缩短使得持续打造品牌成本很难收回

    Corporate brands make good sense for companies that compete in markets where product life cycles have shortened, making it difficult to recover the costs of continually creating new product brands.


  • 本文代理成本变动、产品技术可分度产品市场生命周期制造反应时间关系等三个方面研究动态制造联盟跨度计算

    In this research, three methods presented to calculate the span, including agent cost method, product technique disassembly method and the combo of market life cycle and response method.


  • 我们设计致力于提高产品效率延长使用寿命降低整体生命周期成本高达90 %产品备件重复利用

    Our products are designed to provide high levels of efficiency over a long service life with low overall life cycle costs, up to 90% of the parts of the product can be recycled.


  • 这种工作模式力图使设计一开始就考虑产品生命周期中的所有因素包括质量成本进度用户需求

    This work mode can impel us to think about all of factors of whole product life cycle, including quality, cost, schedule and user requirements.


  • 第二首先分析产品生命周期成本概念,探讨了面向报价的产品成本构成

    Chapter three analyzed the product life circle cost and discussed the cost component of product for quotation.


  • 分析了机械制造产品生命周期各阶段成本构成及其影响因素,揭示产品制造成本形成规律

    The cost construct and its contributing factor in the mechanical product life-cycle are analyzed and the generation rules of product manufacturing cost are studied.


  • 战略成本管理对象产品整个生命周期成本

    The object of the strategic cost management is the product cost of the whole lifecycle.


  • 企业激烈市场竞争获得成本优势必须寻求产品生命周期成本最低

    In order to gain cost advantages in the fierce market competition, Enterprises must find the minimum of product life cycle cost.


  • 战略成本管理立足产品生命周期成本管理。

    Strategic cost management is based on product life cycle management costs.


  • 通过我国高新技术产业高新技术企业产品研究我们发现高新技术企业产品生命周期需求难以预测产生缺货时缺货成本很高

    After study the high-tech enterprise and the product, we find that the product life cycle of the high-tech enterprise is short; it is difficult to forecast demand; the product shortage cost is high.


  • 为了解决生命周期评价中普遍存在环境负荷数据环境成本转换问题,清单分析基础上,构建了产品生命周期环境成本评价模型

    In order to solve ordinary problems of transferring environmental loads to environmental cost, environmental-cost-assessment model is designed and created reasonably based on inventory analysis.


  • 此外客户受益我们成本”的服务-我们整理最初购买安装服务总费用更换产品生命周期结束

    In addition, customers benefit from our "total cost" service - we've put together from the initial purchase to install and service the total package cost of the replacement of the product life cycle.


  • 本文分析产品生命周期各段成本构成及其影响因数基础上,揭示了产品制造成本形成规律

    On the basis of analysis of the cost construct and its contributing factor in the mechanical product life-cycle, the generation rules of product manufacturing cost are studied.


  • 本文传统成本管理弊端分析出发,首先基于产品生命周期战略成本管理理论基础进行论述

    This article began with the analysis of drawbacks of traditional cost management, and expounded basic ideas and theories of strategic cost management.


  • 这些方法包括产品研发设计成本价值链环节采用产品生命周期目标成本管理法

    These methods include, the product life cycle and the target cost management used inthe cost value chain link of product research and development and design;


  • 两者相同之处主要体现在从设计入手考虑产品生命周期成本

    The similarity between the two is mainly reflected in the design from the start to consider the entire product life-cycle costs.


  • 基于现代价值链理论思想,结合生命周期成本理论,从战略性角度,提出产品生命周期价值链成本基础进行定价决策的建议

    Based on the theory of value chain and the theory of life cycle cost, it brings forward the proposition of pricing based on whole life cycle value chain cost.


  • 最后,本文家用轿车实例,建立了其全生命周期成本数据仓库,目前已积累近3500款车型30多个月以来30万条的产品信息及成本数据,验证方法可行性

    Finally, an exemplification system of family cars was set up successfully assembling 300 thousand plus records about 3500 car models in last 30 months. This proved the method was valid.


  • 最后,本文家用轿车实例,建立了其全生命周期成本数据仓库,目前已积累近3500款车型30多个月以来30万条的产品信息及成本数据,验证方法可行性

    Finally, an exemplification system of family cars was set up successfully assembling 300 thousand plus records about 3500 car models in last 30 months. This proved the method was valid.


- 来自原声例句

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