• 实际上所认识工程师要求并且确实享受他们工作

    In fact, the engineers I know are in demand and seem to enjoy their jobs.


  • 享受工作,我希望每个一起工作的人都能享受他们的工作

    I want to enjoy my work. I want everyone that works with me enjoy their works as well.


  • 同时学习帮助人们开发加强他们的工作技能以及让与员工享受他们工作

    They also help people build and strengthen job skills and enjoy their work more.


  • 总共有14个人,但没有布拉那样享受他们的工作。” 布拉迪的朋友是实习生阿隆·奥托(Aaron Otto)说道

    "I don'tthink anyone enjoyed their workthere were 14 of us — as much as Brady, "said Aaron Otto, a friend and fellow intern.


  • 他们开始工作丧失了享受福利权利

    They lose their entitlement to welfare when they start work.


  • 不是那些没有获得公平薪酬未能享受灵活工作方式员工他们工作条件不满合理的。

    I'm not referring to employees who are legitimately dissatisfied with their employment conditions due to, say, being denied fair pay or flexible work practices.


  • 好的方面来看快速生活要求人们提高工作效率他们能够享受更长的休闲时间

    On the positive side, the fast pace of life requires people to enhance their working efficiency, which allows them to enjoy longer leisure time.


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作戏剧机会很少,而他们特权同龄人却能享受这些机会,完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 同时技艺纯熟工匠师傅们并不按照时间稳步地安排工作他们喜欢享受更多闲暇时间集中赶工交替的生产方式。

    Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.


  • 些专家可以每晚在办公室工作到十点,然后回过头来,发现他们很想回家,享受家人和朋友的甜蜜,或者去令人兴奋的地方旅行,结识有趣的人。

    These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people.


  • 如果希望能够献身他们工作那就帮助他们享受他们正在事情

    If you want your own people to do their jobs with dedication, help them enjoy what they're doing.


  • 不仅我们观众而言(既然我们可以享受一部又一部杰作),对工作也是一样他们一个版本都轻松的捞钱

    And boy is it worth it. Not only for us the audience, since we get to enjoy masterpiece after masterpiece, but for the studio as well: they simply rake in the dough with each release.


  • 他们享受委员会工作完成之前之后时光

    They relish the time before and after the committee work is done.


  • 一度妻子辞掉了工作开始家里教育孩子们,好,因为他们妈妈总是在家里陪伴着他们——大多数孩子都享受不到的。

    At one point my wife quit her job and began homeschooling our kids, which was great because they had their mom home all the time - something most kids don't get.


  • 他们工作薪酬高而且有足够假期享受他们相对富裕的生活。

    They had salaried jobs that paid well and gave them enough time off to enjoy their relative wealth.


  • 他们带给坚持下去力量甚至教会你如何享受目前的工作

    They will give you the energy to stay positive and even enjoy what you are doing.


  • 那样的雇员能够享受他们美好的节日以及完成工作后的休息时光

    That way, your folks can enjoy their holiday merry-making and have a good shot at getting some work done, too.


  • 他们取消那些兼职工作享受保险的资格——即使许多因为家庭原因才去做兼职工作

    They also disqualify people seeking only part-time workeven though many people now work part-time for family reasons.


  • 代表一个胁迫工作环境快乐更轻松富有成效的,这样的环境中人类享受他们知道如何的事情的快乐。

    It stands for a less coercive work environment, more happy, lighter and more productive where humans enjoy doing what they know best how to do.


  • 现在既然度假租赁为业工作一部分就是帮助美国人拥有放松享受假期即便他们在各处可能只能休假一周

    Now that I'm in the business of vacation rentals, part of my job is to help Americans have relaxing, enjoyable vacations, even though they may only get a week off here or there.


  • 李斯克,已经祭祀品电工作20多年了,提到。 “无论人们现实生活中拥有或者享受到什么好东西,他们都希望他们世的亲人也能拥有或者享受到。”

    Whatever people have and enjoy in real life, they want their departed ones to have,” said Lim Say Saik, a businesswoman who has been in the prayer paraphernalia business for over 20 years.


  • 有些这份工作为了贴补圣诞礼物支出他们特定的商家求职,如果应聘成功,他们就可以享受员工待遇,按超低的折扣价心仪的商品,”波伊尔说道

    "Some people are only there to make extra money to spend on holiday gifts, and they will apply only to places where they want to shop, so they qualify for those great employee discounts," Boyer says.


  • 生活确实有人善于公共演讲安排客户讲演给实习生指导——他们天生享受这样工作

    There were certain people that were fantastic public speakers and were always called upon to give presentations to clients or even internal training seminarsthey loved it!


  • 购车贷款公司工作TamasDevenyi,购买新车二手车不再享受100%的贷款,现在他们需要支付大笔的首付款。

    Car buyers can no longer get 100% finance on new or used vehicles. They now need big down payments now, says Tamas Devenyi, whose company offers car-purchase loans.


  • 购车贷款公司工作TamasDevenyi,购买新车二手车不再享受100%的贷款,现在他们需要支付大笔的首付款。

    Car buyers can no longer get 100% finance on new or used vehicles. They now need big down payments now, says Tamas Devenyi, whose company offers car-purchase loans.


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