The more you develop and attend to your senses, the greater the potential for enjoying life.
Coming down so hard on yourself merely robs you of the pleasures in life and simply makes you more disgusted with it.
I guess what I want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights, but also devote myself to God.
It doesn't matter where you live, in the city or in the country, provided that you enjoy your life.
They are always prepared, and they contribute to ensuring that we can maintain the joy of life.
You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy it to the full.
Enjoying living was learning to get your money's worth and knowing when you had it.
Live life to the fullest, and remember these are the best years of our lives, so enjoy them!
They can't help their situation, and it seems to me that they deserve to enjoy life as much as anyone.
Life is too short, and it can prevent us from enjoying life fun, won't make us because it is full of hardships and fortunately it is short.
The most sentence I like is"People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it."
Easy does it, you won't be feeling up to par so don't push your luck or plan on trying to impress someone. Relax, have fun with friends and don't worry about who's watching you and who isn't.
Viewing from another side, tea house has been a part in native Cantonese spirit; only in here, those people who are always busy for living will stop their step and enjoy happiness of life.
“我是一个年长的女人,一边教书,一边享受再次学习的乐趣,” 安妮可说,她希望其他人在以后的生活中也能在这段旅程上赶上她的步伐。
"I'm an older woman, teaching and having fun learning again," Anneke said, and she wants others later in their lives to catch up with her on this journey.
One of her great pleasures in life was watching us kids eat and enjoy what she prepared.
We all know that we need to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the small joys in our lives.
The ability to return to concentration and work; the ability to rediscover interest in life, and take pleasure in it, while recognizing that present pleasure is far from past joy.
Learning to savor life's joys, be grateful, and look at seemingly negative events from a positive Angle, he says, can set the stage for a pregnancy immune to the hazards of stress.
But you can also see this is a temporary structure, tentlike, and you think, with all they've been through, now they can enjoy life, have some fun.
Although Latin America can sometimes be very frustrating and remind us that, indeed, patience is a virtue, one should slow down long enough to enjoy life's simple pleasure.
Going slowly helps to reduce stress, and improve the pleasure of doing things, and keeps you in the present moment.
Going slowly helps to reduce stress, and improve the pleasure of doing things, and keeps you in the present moment.