The gipsy grumbled frightfully, and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.
Some folks might feel that their dreams are scary, anxiety-provoking and that they'd rather just wake up and feel fine again.
The finding is all the more shocking because almost all of those polled were in the normal weight range – or even underweight.
After housing, travel is the single biggest cost for Londoners, especially during peak hours.
Although this doesn't sound like all that much compared to some other stories, it's very scary and unsettling.
Creepy yet cute, Osaka University's four-foot-tall Child-robot with Biomimetic Body is designed to learn like a child by watching and interacting with humans.
我相信,没有一个外出冒险的年轻人会像我这样一出门就倒霉,一倒霉就这么久久难以摆脱。 我们的船一驶出恒比尔河就刮起了大风,风助浪势,煞是吓人。
On the first of September 1651 I went on Board a Ship bound for London; never any young Adventurer's Misfortunes, I believe, began sooner, or continued longer than mine.
I like to draw knights, funny and scary clowns, but also likes to draw aliens.
Although the film is scaring, it lures many of my peers to watch.
Although it was a hugely terrifying experience, I found every minute amazing and I learnt so much.
"These are stupid ACTS that are really frightening people and wasting our time," a spokesperson said.
Therefore, school leaders, must not the first to suffer the word scary, but first felt the "where" the music word, making learning a fun game, so that horses do not need troops on the self-will Fenti.
Some people have said it's interesting or that it's scary. And other people just said 'sorry I'm vegetarian'.
Yeah. It was scary, but exhilarating. For me, it is both relaxation and a hobby.
So-called "creepy clown" sightings are on the rise across the world, with people choosing to dress up as scary versions of the children's favorite in order to scare people, or sometimes even worse.
A spooky, scary, and white ghost can go through walls and could control people.
At first sight, Bush's doctrine of preemptive attack seems frightening.
Just the thought of a job interview is rather intimidating and it can cause stress, self-doubt and anxiety.
But the dread secret and the fearful engines of atomic might are not ours alone.
There was talk of pay cuts. The office was spookily quiet, too; since most of her friends had been sacked, there wasn't even anyone around to moan to.
The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.
The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.