• 黑人社团捍卫所有有色人种权利大声疾呼。

    Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of colour.


  • 认识几乎所有有色人种的成年人过的事。

    That's what almost every colored grown-up I knew did.


  • 当然有色人种的世界与其说社区,不如说是一种生存所需条件

    Of course, the colored world was not so much a neighborhood as a condition of existence.


  • 有色人种学生学习过程中看到自己族裔的形象时,他们专注取得更好成绩

    Students of color are more engaged and earn better grades when they see themselves in their studies.


  • 展现多元文化往往借助于让不同肤色儿童出现在照片中创造一些恰巧有色人种的配角——尽管是一种进步肤浅

    Being multicultural often falls back on weaving children of color into photographs, or creating a few supporting characters that happen to be ethnican improvement, but superficial nonetheless.


  • 白色人种黑色人种

    The white and the black.


  • 并且他们可能会碰撞老人白人青年和棕色人种的对抗

    And they could clash, pitting the old and white against the young and brown.


  • 有色人种女人指责正在毁了社区时,该如何应对呢?

    How to respond when a poor person of color accused you of destroying her neighborhood?


  • 种族主义指部分低劣智力低下,道德受教育程度人种理论

    Racism was the theory that some RACES were inferior, less intelligent, immoral or less lectured that others.


  • 个则是“如果智商天生的,那么人种不同是否也会导致智商的差异呢?”

    ” and “to the extent it is nature, does race make a difference?”


  • 他们发现发人疼痛敏感,红发不愿看牙医人数是其他人种的两倍

    They found that the red-haired group were more sensitive to pain and as a result were twice as likely to avoid visiting the dentist.


  • 文化意义上,即便不是人种意义上,这样种类型正在洛杉矶诞生。

    This type of man is being borne in Los Angeles, in the cultural sense if not the anthropological sense.


  • 只要个人没有属于其他人种明显特征我们可以判断是否属于白色人种

    We may be able to decide whether someone is white only by seeing if they have none of the features that would mark them clearly as a member of another race.


  • 而且也不知道忽视我们作为有色人种男女与(白人的)差别是否法律社会都造成危害。

    And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of colour we do a disservice both to the law and to society.


  • 人类基因图谱显示世界各地人种DNA连续并不错误假设的那样划分泾渭分明。

    The map of the human genome has shown that the DNA of human populations across the globe is a continuum, not bluntly divided as had been erroneously supposed.


  • 奥巴马一贯赢得不同族裔、不同人种的年轻选民支持但是很多较年长的白种选民选择克林顿

    Obama has been able to rally support from young voters from all ethnic and racial groups, but older white voters have voted in larger Numbers for Clinton.


  • 伍德太太田纳西州维多利亚长大的。,她从不敢确定人们是属于哪个人种,她也几乎没有看到自己一样的

    Growing up in Victoria, Tex., Mrs. Norwood said she was never quite sure what race to mark on forms, and she hardly ever saw people like herself.


  • 成为大明星帮助这个非裔美国人MTV台中露脸似乎打破了有色人种界限,这两者都极为有益大步

    His established stardom helped get his African-American face onto MTV, breaking what seemed like a color line, in what was a hugely beneficial step for both.


  • 但是默认人种观念如此的强以至于如果没有明显众所周知的标记表明黑人或者亚洲人,那么她铁定就是白人

    But the default Human being thing is so strong that lacking other clear, stereotyped signs of being either black or Asian she defaults to white.


  • 父母忙着商讨类似如何混合人种的家庭抚养孩子这样重要的问题时孩子们却自得其乐,他们骑马中文香煎葱油饼。

    While parents address weighty issues like how to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes.


  • 人口普查显示,混血结合人们乐意人种混合街区,最好白人占的比例一些,不愿住在只有黑色人种街区。

    According to the census, multiracial people are more likely to live in neighborhoods that have a broad mix of races with a higher share of whites than those who identify as black alone.


  • 一些欧洲人种显著疾病可能因为混血种的增多而大大的减少,比如胞性纤维症,乳糜泄,肌肉萎缩症还有血友病。

    Some diseases prominent within the European population that could see Numbers drop as mixed-race grow are cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.


  • 对于这种大脑袋人种灭绝还有另一个更为尖锐假说:也许一万年前,深邃的思想生存而言并没有什么特别价值

    There is another, again poignant, possible explanation for the disappearance of the big-brained people. Maybe all that thoughtfulness was of no particular survival value in 10, 000 B.C.


  • 世界上年纪最大洛杉矶去世,享年115。 做为一名黑人老太太,能给同为有色人种奥巴马投上自己的一票,我想她是幸福的。

    The oldest person in the world has died in Los Angeles at the age of 115 of suspected heart failure.


  • 尽管有人认为10万多名衣食无着索马里难民涌入也许会转变也门人种的比例,但由于两之间着亚丁湾,也门因此不会受到实际的威胁。

    Not physically, by toppling across the Gulf of Aden that separates the countries, though some may imagine that the influx of 100, 000-plus destitute Somali refugees may shift its centre of gravity.


  • 贝纳迪诺蔓延城市有着20万庞大队伍年轻拉丁裔,最高青少年怀孕最高的任何种族人种出生率的群体而且奥尔特加也是他们中的一员。

    Ortega was like many young Latinas in San Bernardino, a sprawling city of 200, 000. They have the highest teen pregnancy and birth rates of any racial or ethnic group.


  • 旧金山州立大学亚裔美国人研究教授阿利森·丁提昂考·库巴勒斯认为,传授人种种族知识的方式至关重要

    How race and ethnicity is taught is crucial, says Allyson Tintiangco Cubales, an Asian American studies professor at San Francisco State University.


  • 旧金山州立大学亚裔美国人研究教授阿利森·丁提昂考·库巴勒斯认为,传授人种种族知识的方式至关重要

    How race and ethnicity is taught is crucial, says Allyson Tintiangco Cubales, an Asian American studies professor at San Francisco State University.


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