• 我们需要制定法规,违法用工雇主罚款,加强边境守护我们能够因为某关系、区域近缘关系亲属数量而给予合法移民地位,而是要视其所能带来的技术资本而定。

    We should institutionalize employer fines, finish the fence—and predicate legal entry into the US not on race, nearness to the border, or the number of relatives in America, but on skills and capital.


  • 所大学认为是南非白人堡垒,他们荷兰定居者后代,这些人常常族隔离条例紧密联系在一起

    The university has been regarded as a bastion for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who are often most closely linked with white apartheid rule.


  • 他们一个人种/种族典型环境,涉及洛杉矶地区的不同种族混合白种人西班牙人亚洲人非洲裔美国人混血儿个体

    They also had a racial/ethnic background typical of the multiethnic Los Angeles area, with a mix of Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, African-American, and mixed-race individuals.


  • (这项考试的)目的不仅仅阻止外来人种一些已经澳洲境内种族排斥在外。

    The intention was not just stop new arrivals, but also to exclude those already living in Australia.


  • 澳大利亚曾经种族隔离劳工政策(可能)白人默认的条件下工作的,例如在热带地区珍珠捕捞业工作的苦役。

    Australia had a racially segregated Labour policy, whereby non-white worked in conditions that would (or could) not be tolerated by whites - e.g. hard Labour in the tropics and pearl diving.


  • 但是正是曼伊先生自己声称西开普敦存在着混血(拥有混合种族)的过分集中,导致严重的骚乱

    But it is Mr Manyi’s claim that there is an “overconcentration” of coloureds (people of mixed race) in the Western Cape that causes the biggest stir.


  • 其实卡梅隆,“国家多元文化主义”其中的某条信念导致越来越多英国族分居

    What he actually said was that a doctrine ofstate multiculturalism” had encouraged Britons to live segregated lives.


  • 地球先进种族更为原始种族相遇历史并不十分愉快而且相同人种尚且如此,更何况与我们不同的外星生命呢。

    The history of advanced RACES meeting more primitive people on this planet is not very happy, and they were the same species.


  • 我们昵称它为博格效应(译注8)——每个人都团体一部分,”是源于《星际迷航》中的电子

    "We affectionately call this the borg effect-everyone is part of the collective," he says, referring to the race of cyborgs from "Star Trek".


  • 贝纳迪诺蔓延城市有着20万庞大队伍年轻拉丁裔,最高青少年怀孕最高的任何种族人种出生率的群体而且奥尔特加也是他们中的一员。

    Ortega was like many young Latinas in San Bernardino, a sprawling city of 200, 000. They have the highest teen pregnancy and birth rates of any racial or ethnic group.


  • 白色人种他们奴役种族之间一道不可逾越的障碍

    There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.


  • 经济因素使得生活有保障孩子能为世界许下愿望但是此外研究人员并没有发现年龄、人种种族使得人们愿望有何不同

    While economics did factor in - privately insured teens were more likely than other children to have wishes for the world - the researchers found no differences in wishes by age or race and ethnicity.


  • 报告指出黑人发病率高于白色人种研究者观察到,发病率种族之间的这种差异随着年龄增长而减小,但随着时间变化而改变。

    Incidence was higher among blacks than among whites, the report indicates. Racial differences in incidence decreased with age and have not changed over time, the researchers observed.


  • 然而具有讽刺意味种族主义充当了唤醒催生意识酵母近代非洲思想正是种族主义的污秽中诞生

    But satirically racism also became the yeast of arousing the consciousness of the black race and actually the modern African thought was the derivation of the f.


  • 第四部分分析梅氏塑造黑人形象为重点,探究理解和认识。

    The following section aims to study Melville's understanding of the blacks by examining the typical black characters he creates.


  • 澳大利亚曾经种族隔离劳工政策(可能)白人默认的条件下工作的,例如在热带地区珍珠捕捞业工作的苦役。

    Australia had a racially segregated Labour policy, whereby non-white worked in conditions that would (or could) not be tolerated by whites - e. g. hard Labour in the tropics and pearl diving.


  • 内眦赘皮种族差异有着密切联系常见于中亚北亚东亚地区的蒙古人种中,故“蒙古皱襞”。

    It has close relationship with racial difference. It exists in Mongolian inCentral Asia, North Asia and East Asia mostly, so it is also called "mongoloid fold".


  • 你好艾伦,无论如何,根植于外貌特征、地区等根植于“种族”的嘲弄单纯不礼貌的,无论发生在哪。

    Anyway, mockery toward any kind of people on the simple basis of his' race ', look or province origin is just plainly impolite, wherever it happens.


  • 突袭党的最好乘用马,如同他们马一样。

    Mares were the best mounts for raiding parties, as they would not nicker to the enemy tribe's horses.


  • 然而,社会学家把原因归结误导高尚的种族的不美观念以及生成的对有色人种的不信赖。

    Sociologists, however, attribute them to the misguided concept of a superior race and an innate mistrust of people of color.


  • 最终成功必导致创始者种族倒退结果可能使人种

    Moreover, the final achievement "would signify the racial decline of its founders", presumably as a result of racial mixing.


  • 能否简单地说说你是如何产生了创造这样一支栩栩如生熊猫的,最终他们带入了《冰封王座》?

    Can you give a brief recap of how you got the idea for an anthropomorphic panda race and how they eventually came to be included in the expansion?


  • 一名伊朗妇女孩子公共汽车上遭到年轻族性嘲弄

    An Iranian woman and her child were racially taunted by youths on a bus.


  • 阿夸利什人在宇宙很常见,这种来自安多星的好战,并带有水栖节肢动物的体表特征

    A bellicose humanoid species with some superficial properties both aquatic and arachnid , the Aqualish of Ando can be found the galaxy over.


  • 族的歧视后来几乎使得起身反对帝国残余荣耀唯一机会。

    His prejudice against aliens later nearly caused him to oppose the only lifeline the Imperial remnant had to regain their former glory.


  • 加尔战斗中,艾泽拉斯们在绝望团结起来,共同抵挡燃烧军团的入侵。

    At the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the mortal RACES of Azeroth banded together in a desperate bid to stall the advance of the Burning Legion.


  • 加尔战斗中,艾泽拉斯们在绝望团结起来,共同抵挡燃烧军团的入侵。

    At the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the mortal RACES of Azeroth banded together in a desperate bid to stall the advance of the Burning Legion.


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