• 现在问题,不知道能否铁栅栏钻出去,因为以前来没有过。

    The question now was, if he could squeeze himself through the grating, for he had never tried before.


  • 他们以前圣地亚哥里昂,现在体验一下反向旅程

    They had done Santiago to León; now they said they wanted to experience the journey in reverse.


  • 世界变化以前计算机真的只是计算机现在的网络已经是一台高效的计算机。

    Here was a transition from a world in which the PC really was the computer, to one in which the network is effectively the computer.


  • 科学家推测这个问题一定程度上是个现代问题,因为现在的父母家里得到帮助以前人要少。

    Scientists speculate that the problem is partly a modern one, because parents don't get as much help at home as they did in previous generations.


  • 因此他们宣扬这样的理论宇宙以前现在膨胀没有什么开端。

    They therefore advanced theories in which the universe was expanding at the present time, but didn't have a beginning.


  • 现在开始下面内容地方因为我们已经熟悉电离能了,我们很久以前一直在讨论原子中,拿走一个电子需要消耗的最低能量

    Now this is a good place to start, because we are very familiar with ionization energy, we've been talking about it it's that minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom.


  • 单是印度雅高酒店集团便打算2012年以前其在该地区的酒店数目现在5增加到50间,客房数目超过10 000间。

    In India alone, Accor plans to have 50 hotels, with more than 10, 000 rooms, by 2012, up from 5 hotels now.


  • 与此同时公众资产流动性看法以前立足于(变卖的)资产转变现在的专注于(借贷的)债务了。

    Along the way the public perception of liquidity changed, from one based on assets (what you could sell) to one centered on liabilities (ease of borrowing).


  • 渔民总数鳕鱼兴盛时期1987年的15,000人下降现在的大约13,000人,但鱼货价值以前

    The total number of fishermen has dropped to about 13, 000, down from 15, 000 when cod was at its peak in 1987, and the value of shipments is higher than before.


  • 渔民总数鳕鱼兴盛时期1987年的15,000人下降现在大约13,000人,但鱼货价值以前

    The total number of fishermen has dropped to about 13,000, down from 15,000 when cod was at its peak in 1987, and the value of shipments is higher than before.


  • 经销商们眼睁睁的看着销量跳水,以前天能销售20汽车现在一周只能卖出去2辆。

    Dealers have seen sales slump from 20 cars a day to a couple a week.


  • 以前家里面包现在附近商店里面包。

    She used to bake bread at home, but now she buys it from the store nearby.


  • 如果以前版本升级现在,你必须指定一个密码

    If you are upgrading from a previous version, you must now specify a password.


  • 以前整个国家里没见过材料可能会国外运来开始当地的市场

    Ingredients cannot be seen before in a country might begin to appear in local markets, shipped from abroad.


  • 目前拍照场景以前室内场景到现在室外实景逐渐流行起来公园铁道岛屿成为人们拍照最佳场所

    The pictures of scenes from the previous interior scenes now outdoor scene gradually popular, parks, railway, the islands were to become the new photos of people the best place.


  • 幼儿将进行体验活动,关于他们以前现在到以后,他们身体什么改变脸蛋身体不同之处和差异。

    Would make experiments about who are they and how their bodies change to the past of the time, will know about the facial features and difference kind of faces and bodies.


  • 随着评估公司数量大规模增长几年以前三四家现在十几家都提供评估服务,问题更加突出。

    This problem is exacerbated by the rapid growth in the number of valuation firms - from three to four a few years back to more than a dozen now offering business valuation services.


  • 以前马拉松选手现在只是楼上楼下医院大厅

    Once a marathon runner, he now runs only down hospital halls.


  • 很多乘客表达了自己担忧,因为以前他们可以扶梯左侧上去,现在要求站在左侧,他们有点不适应。但伦敦交通局此次试运行已经解决了这些担忧

    Many passengers had expressed concern at being forced to stand where previously they would have chosen to dash up the stairs, but TfL have addressed those fears ahead of this latest experiment.


  • 以前人们总是报纸获取信息现在很大一部分互联网搜索信息的。

    People always read messages on newspaper before, but now there is a large number of people search information in the Internet.


  • 1918年开始,人们就会这些事情纪念这个特别节日不过这个节日以前不同名称,同时过去意义现在有点不同。

    People do all these things to commemorate this special holiday, which has been observed since 1918, though it had a different name and a slightly different meaning back then.


  • 位德克萨斯州以前只能依靠休斯顿记事报》了解这个世界现在可以自己动手浩如烟海的互联网上搜集信息了。

    Texan who once had to rely on the Houston Chronicle to interpret the world can now collect information from myriad different sources.


  • 位德克萨斯州以前只能依靠休斯顿记事报》了解这个世界现在可以自己动手浩如烟海的互联网上搜集信息了。

    Texan who once had to rely on the Houston Chronicle to interpret the world can now collect information from myriad different sources.


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