They see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays.
As this street is very good for that kind of thing, I thought they were shooting a soap or an episode of Morse or something.
1937年,P&G公司在广播上赞助的“向导之光”则成为世界上最长的肥皂剧。 原改译:美国香皂生产商用独出心裁的方式推销他们的产品,先是赞助广播戏曲的播出,然后进军专为郊区家庭主妇制作的电视节目,也就是肥皂剧。
They sponsored drama series on radio, and later television, designed for the suburban housewife, known as soap operas.
The result is an innovative project using a radio soap opera to encourage farmers to halt environmentally unsound practices.
Illegal DVDs showing South Korean soap operas gave northerners a taste of the better life their former countrymen enjoyed, helping to destroy the myth of South Korea as a downtrodden Yankee colony.
You'd have to pester soap stars about their love lives, and interview parents when their kids have Just been killed.
While ultimately an asset, soap opera viewers can also be a major liability to the soaps.
Some heroes in soaps are very mean but they also have positive sides to them.
Tom thinks soap operas are meaningless so he can't stand them.
It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people's lives.
The UK's three most popular soaps focus not on the beautiful or the damned, but on normal folk engaged in humdrum tasks like buying cheese, arguing about pottery or tending to their farms.
Tom doesn't like soap operas, because he thinks they are meaningless.
The Italians like soap operas today. Their most successful literary genre is comic.
For several years, my job was to answer all viewer phone calls and mail concerning the daytime television soap operas our company produced.
They see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoons, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.
And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.
People will not be able to watch the same soap opera, endlessly repeated on 24-hour cable news and pored over in the blogosphere, for months on end without getting sick of the main characters.
According to a survey conducted by CDC in 1999, 50% of the 38 million U. s. residents who regularly watch daytime soap operas said they learned something about diseases and prevention methods.
According to a survey conducted by CDC in 1999, 50% of the 38 million U. s. residents who regularly watch daytime soap operas said they learned something about diseases and prevention methods.