The agent then talks to the queue manager using bindings mode, performing API calls on behalf of the application.
In the brick-and-mortar travel agent model, a trained agent meets with the traveler in person or establishes a relationship over the phone.
Fenced mode processes are created as separate system entities in order to isolate user-written fenced-mode code from the database manager agent process.
生成的构件包含JAX - RPC兼容的存根、封装了存根的代理(为开发人员提供方便)以及一组类,这些类与WSDL模式中定义的复杂类型相对应。
The artifacts include a JAX-RPC compliant stub, a proxy that wraps the stub for developer convenience, and a set of classes that correspond to the complex types defined in the WSDL schema.
Like the previous pattern, the Brokered ESB pattern fits businesses with multiple geographies or divisions.
Design patterns implemented by the framework (messaging, adapters, remote proxies and facades) make this possible by hiding the complexities associated with remote APIs.
standalone:剖析代理以无标头模式 (headless mode)运行,这意味着无法从工作台与之交互。
standalone. The profiling agent runs in a headless mode, which means it is not possible to interact with it from the workbench.
It gives a detailed description of the responsibility and operational mode of CIC, the relationship of CIC with registration agency.
So we use the architecture of the inner network management system based on the SNMP and Agent.
In this thesis, the main study aim is to advance a system for profession manager compensation combined with the reality on the basis of Proxy-Agency theories and psychological contract theories.
Sensor agent makes the sensor get high degree of autonomy and modularized. This makes the netting of sensors become flexible.
In order to improve the scalability and efficiency of our approach, the distributed cooperative process method of local agents and central agents is used to analyze intrusion. This method…
In order to improve the scalability and efficiency of our approach, the distributed cooperative process method of local agents and central agents is used to analyze intrusion. This method…