• 量子密码通信一个迅速成长领域涉及到许多学科量子力学、量子光学信息论密码学以及通信技术

    Quantum cryptography communication is a rapidly growing field, it involves many subjects, such as quantum mechanics, quantum optics, information theory, cryptography and communication technology.


  • 安全专家包括了生物化学传感器技术视频无线通信以及模拟潜在污染物蔓延计算机软件

    But security experts say it contains biological and chemical sensor technology, video, wireless communications, and computer software to simulate the spread of potential contaminants.


  • 芯片巨头英特尔利用社会大众传播媒介改进友好地球意识以及通信技术领域其他部门顾客合作。

    Chip giant Intel is using social media to improve its earth-friendly consciousness, and to engage with other parts of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector and consumers.


  • 系统提供通信数据处理能力以及利比亚陆海空三军精锐部队技术训练支持

    The system will provide communications and data handling capabilities, together with technical and training support to the Elite Brigade of Libya \ 's armed forces.


  • 常见的技术平台允许组织达到改善效率参与者更好通信以及更多响应的目的。

    This common technology platform allows organizations to achieve improved efficiency, better communications with constituents, and more responsiveness.


  • 通信公司声称,他们目标经过一段时间后技术应用宾馆以及商业楼居民住宅。

    Over time, the telecom company said it aimed for the technology to be deployed at other hotels as well as at commercial and residential buildings.


  • 如果能够SOA数据集成技术结合在一起,那么通过可重用性其他企业应用程序之间增加通信以及Web服务使用,都将使您从中受益

    If you can combine both SOA and data-integration technologies, you benefit through reusability, increased communication with other enterprise applications, and the use of Web services.


  • L - 3工作组包括L - 3公司的遥感勘测东部鲍尔航空机构,以及L - 3IS,工作组飞机集成新型通信和遥感勘测技术

    The L-3 team, which includes L-3 \ 's telemetry East and Ball Aerospace businesses, in addition to L-3 IS, will also integrate new communications and telemetry technology on the aircraft.


  • 这些谙熟技术志愿机构,紧急开发应用程序提供通信技术以及收集现场信息等方面,再次提供重要支持

    This community of technology-savvy volunteers will again provide its crucial support in emergency applications development, communications, and information gathering on the ground.


  • 此次评选技术先锋”包括一些致力于改善医疗通信以及经营方式的新公司

    The pioneers also include young companies aiming to improve health, the way we communicate, and how we do business.


  • 朋友现在发明超级电脑基因药物搜索引擎纳米技术光线通信以及其他一切新兴事物的人。

    My friends now are the folks inventing super computers, genetic pharmaceuticals, search engines, nanotechnology, fiber optic communications, and everything that is new.


  • 但是由于技术技术底层规范以及标准比较所以必须注意确保来自不同供应商平台可以适当地通信

    However, since the technology and its underlying specifications and standards are relatively new, care must be taken to ensure that different vendor platforms communicate properly.


  • 随着合成仪器价格逐渐能够民用工业所负担,以及相关市场应用领域对此技术的接受度不断提高,合成仪器技术通信行业中将潜力

    As SI technology becomes more affordable and as awareness within the commercial sector increases, SI technology has tremendous potential within the communications industry.


  • 原因包括:通信技术出现城市化以及性别平等

    Reasons include the emergence of communications technology, urbanization, and gender equality.


  • 技术工作中心本周公布了2012伦敦奥运会控制中心——负责监管九十四个奥运场馆的比赛结果IT安全电力以及远程通信

    The technology Operations Centre unveiled this week is the technology 'Mission Control' for London 2012 - it oversees the results, it security, power and telecommunications for all 94 Olympic venues.


  • 客户必须提供确定技术安装以及要求的通信连接保持有效状态

    The defined technical installations as well as the required communications connections must be made available and kept in an operative state by the customer.


  • 世界最大高科技展会-德国汉诺威国际信息及通信技术博览会上,展示技术如何扫描脸部图像以及如何测量肤色阴影以及脸部线条。

    The technology, showcased at CeBIT, the world's biggest high-tech fair, takes a 3D image of your face and measures your complexion, shadows and lines.


  • 本文介绍了光纤通信技术应用以及世界范围光电子产业市场分配及其增长情况。

    In this paper the application of optical fiber communication technology, market distribution and growth of optoelectronics industry in the world are described.


  • 计算机技术通信技术以及城网一次设备继电保护合理集成网络优化的保证。

    And its optimization must be done with integration of computer and communication technology as well as equipment of MAN and relay protection.


  • 移动支付使用移动设备通过无线方式完成支付行为一种新型的支付方式是无线通信技术无线互联网技术以及人们需求应用的产物

    Mobile payment. Which was implemented by mobile device with wireless method, is a new payment way, which was result of wireless communication and wireless Internet and people 's demands.


  • 本文重点无线点菜硬件设计软件移植以及无线通信关键技术实现

    The key techniques of this thesis are hardware design and software porting of wireless handheld unit and the realization of wireless communication.


  • 重点介绍了指挥站测控监控系统方向盘反馈技术缝隙切换技术以及数据与图象无线通信系统。

    The control and monitor subsystem, the force feedback technique for steering wheel, the smooth switching for motion mode, and the telecommunication subsystem are detailed in the paper.


  • 平台借助于计算机网络技术以及各种通信技术搭建而成。

    This platform have build in computer network technology as well as various communication technologies.


  • 介绍通用分组无线业务(GPRS)技术、GPRS通信特点以及发展前景

    This paper introduces the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology, its communication characteristics and development prospect.


  • 论述粒度访问挖掘中间数据管理,挖掘的异步通信以及数据浏览几个系统实现关键技术

    Several key technologies in system implementation including coarse grained accessing method, intermediate data management, asynchronous communication in mining and data browsing were discussed.


  • 随着通信技术以及数字信号处理技术飞速发展逐渐形成数字系统主体格局

    With the explosive development of communication and digital signal processing technology, has formed gradually take the digital system as the main body pattern.


  • 围绕装置技术要求工作原理设计以及通信设备安全正常运行所起积极作用进行了论述

    This paper discusses the technical requirement and working principle of this equipment. It also discusses positive function to communication equipment security and normal operation of ring network.


  • 微型机器人技术研究主要集中系统结构动能提供控制方法通信技术以及行走技术

    The research of micro-robotic technology is mainly centralized in system structure, kinetic energy supply, control method, communication technology and treading technology.


  • 当然,数据增加是因为世界各地地震监测站的剧增以及全球通信技术显著改进

    This is because of the tremendous increase in the number of seismograph stations in the world and the many improvements in global communications.


  • 当然,数据增加是因为世界各地地震监测站的剧增以及全球通信技术显著改进

    This is because of the tremendous increase in the number of seismograph stations in the world and the many improvements in global communications.


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