• 告诫时尚产业对于什么样的社会标尺判定自己个人价值这一问题,产业必须其向女性特别是少女发出信号负责

    It tells the fashion industry that it must take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape measure they must use to determine their individual worth.


  • 由于研究人员运用顾问判定联络货币价值项目的成功与否,所以该项研究只能推断出有限结果

    The results of this study can be extrapolated only so far since the researchers used consultants to determine the monetary value of connections and the success of projects.


  • 珀斯本人坚信判定一个男人是否活得价值,就要看是否供养自己家人由于女人出去工作男人作为一家之主的地位受到危害

    Gompers himself believed strongly that a test of a man's worth was his ability to support a family, and that women in the work force would undermine men's positions as heads of their families.


  • 到了时候,孩子们已经得到足够的反馈信息,做出了对自己价值判定

    By the age of five, children generally have gathered enough reflections about themselves to form their own estimate of their self-worth.


  • 至今为止,各方努力已初显成效马德里方面借贷利率为5.2%,证明市场其资信价值判定介于柏林里斯本之间。

    So far, the effort seems to be paying off - the interest rate on loans to Madrid is 5.2%, which indicates that the market judges its creditworthiness to be somewhere between Berlin and Lisbon.


  • 判定一个地区自然资源比较优势标准不是资源的绝对相对拥有量而是资源经济价值的大小。

    It is not absolute or relative possessing of resource but its economic value that determines the standard of natural resource's relative advantage in a certain region.


  • 只要美国食品药物管理局全球各地同类部门正式判定药品价值那些进行营销分销企业能力就会受到制约。

    The power of companies that simply market and distribute will be constrained as long as the FDA and its equivalents around the world officially adjudicate on the value of drugs.


  • 项目管理立项阶段着手,从市场前景推广价值企业内部资源方面判定

    The project management should start from project setup and the aspects such as market prospect, worth of popularization and inner resource of enterprises should be justified.


  • 说明血清透明质含量测定乙型病毒性肝炎鉴别诊断判定损害的严重程度具有较大的临床参考价值

    The determination of the content of serum hyaluronic acid have great clinical value to differential diagnosis of virus B hepatitis and judging the degree of liver damage.


  • 目的评价肿瘤特异生长因子(TSGF)恶性肿瘤诊断疗效判定价值

    Objective to evaluate the value of tumor Specific Growth Factor (TSGF) in diagnosis and following up the therapeutic effect for malignant tumors.


  • 结论潜在PCO_2概念临床应用对于三重酸碱失衡代碱的判定,具有较大实用价值

    Conclusions: the clinical application of the term potential PCO2 is of practical value for judgement of triple acid-base imbalance.


  • 历史链条文化体系中去梳理、认识,从而判定历史文化价值,有利于古城保护更新

    This article researched the town from its historical, cultural system of chain, thus judged its historical and cultural value for protection and renovation of the old city.


  • 第三研究视野较小,获结果缺乏其它相关区域对比分析因而能够判定实际价值

    The third, due to the narrowness of the research vision and the lack of comparative analysis with other relevant region, the practical value of former research result cann't be determined.


  • 本文就黄土湿陷试验在湿陷类别判定及其工程中的应用进行深入探讨,提出了自己建议看法具有一定参考价值

    The judgment of the collapsibility of loess and its application in engineering are discussed, and the author's own proposals and views are proposed, which have some reference value.


  • 评价能力就是判断有关事物价值高低判定事物是非、曲直、优劣能力。

    The appraisal ability is a ability of the judgement related to thing whose value is high or low, and it is also a ability of the determination about rights and wrongs.


  • 推荐公式判定静压沉桩可能性施工设备选型具有参考价值

    The formula can guide to judge the possibility of pile sinking and select the construction equipment.


  • 消费者通常根据竞争者产品价格判定产品价值

    Consumers will based their judgments of a product's value on the prices that competitors charge for similar products.


  • 判定客户价值、对客户进行细分解决问题重要突破口

    Customer value judgment and customer segmentation is the important breakthrough to solve the problem.


  • 目的探讨术前B超检查对外伤性白内障后囊损伤判定及应用价值

    Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of B-Ultrasound Scan on Traumatic Cataract.


  • 由此可见实验室免疫指标判定中医辨证分型具有重要研究价值

    Thus it can be seen, the laboratory immunity target to determines the Chinese medicine dialectical minute to have the important research value.


  • 软件可靠性与安全性转换规律,其应用价值主要工程实践减轻重复劳动事故责任判定

    The application value of transition rule is mainly reducing the repeated work and judgement of accidental responsibility in engineering practice.


  • 目的:本项研究目的探讨脑导纳微分快流入相和慢流入相面积对血管弹性判定诊断价值

    Purpose The aim of this study is to value the quick-slow inflow quadrant area IQAof ADL on the patients with hyper- tension and compared with the normal group.


  • 等同原则在美国专利侵权判定中的产生发展、法官及法院对等同原则理解与把握,充分发挥展示了作为制度性工具利益平衡价值

    Both the generation and development of Doctrine of Equivalent and judges' comprehension and application of this principle, reveal fully its interest balance value as a systematic tool.


  • 笔者进行多中心群体研究判定影像学检查OPLL所致脊髓病过程的预测价值

    We designed a multicenter cohort study to identify the radiographic predictors for the development of myelopathy in patients with OPLL.


  • CSEP地反映脊髓功能状态及完整性,对防止脊髓损伤判定神经功能预后重要价值

    CSEP have an important value in preventing spinal cord injury and evaluating the prognostic of neural function because CSEP can be better reflect the function and integrity of the spinal cord.


  • 钻孔瓦斯流量直接关系钻孔煤层瓦斯涌出钻孔瓦斯涌出速度判定,因此研究钻孔瓦斯流量变化及发展趋势具有较大实用价值

    Gas flow from borehole directly relates to the gas emission from drill drainage coal bed and judging the initial velocity of gas emission from the borehole.


  • 北京市保护价值森林判定标准指标体系包括5个标准,15个指标

    The criteria system of high conservation value forest in Beijing includes 5 criteria and 15 indicators.


  • 北京市保护价值森林判定标准指标体系包括5个标准,15个指标

    The criteria system of high conservation value forest in Beijing includes 5 criteria and 15 indicators.


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