A great deal of previous work has shown that simply presenting the stimuli to the participant is usually not enough. They actually have to do the task.
These last two levels, and especially the expert, can quickly come to resent practice-based initiatives, in exactly the same way that the competent person resents being given task-level detail.
The experiment compared three different groups in which the payment for this mind-numbing task was as follows.
Then, in each experiment, participants were given a task that required some expertise.
When people are given a specific task to do, they focus on that task, but then other brain regions get busy during down time, the researchers report in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
The breeder is invaluable for this task and they should be able to help directly, or locate another person or breeder that can assist.
The breeder is invaluable for this task and they should be able to help directly, or locate another person or breeder that can assist.