• 激战阶段”进行更改开始好像没有危害,开始导致问题时,找出问题所在就仿佛大海捞针

    Change made in the "heat of battle" might seem innocuous at first, but when it begins to cause problems, you are left to find the needle in a haystack.


  • 总是用简短破碎句子单词听起来就好像口中啐出来似的,仿佛自从你学到他们的时候,已经鄙视痛恨它们了,就算是简单的词语也一样

    You used those short, broken sentences that sounded as if you were spitting out the words, as if you had just learned them but already despised them, even the simplest ones.


  • 超文本网络没有掌控叙事核心,其间所有事物好像不分主次,处处显得大同小异,这个空间仿佛乏味杂乱区域。

    Without the centering hold of a narrative, everything in a hypertext network seems to have equal weight and appears to be the same wherever you go, as if the space were a suburban sprawl.


  • 《诗抄》手中滑落,恐惧——可耻而又冷酷的恐惧——仿佛怪病一样悄悄蔓延全身;感觉四肢麻木好像手指脚趾抽干,这唯一的感觉羞。

    I actually felt my extremities grow numb, as if the blood had drained from my toes and fingers, and the sensation caused me both alarm and shame.


  • 一切那么宁静,时间好像也凝固了,仿佛在睡梦中

    All is tranquil and still, and it's as if I am dreaming.


  • 有时我们遇见一个陌生人,感觉仿佛一见如故,就好像我们已经相识甚久。

    Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”。 Sometimes it's as if we've known each other for a long time.


  • 这个发光物体就是一个生灵,长金色的头发,目光柔和,神采飞扬,好像上帝一样,身上充满青春活力,正目不转睛地注视着大地仿佛大地感到有趣的事物。

    The luminary was a golden-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like creature, gazing down in the vigour and intentness of youth upon an earth that was brimming with interest for him.


  • “那就是,他们活着的时候好像他们永远都不会死的时候仿佛他们从来就不曾活过”。

    "That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived".


  • 现在好像找到藏身地方仿佛藏身在天地万物里。

    Now, I feel as if I have uncovered it from its hiding place.


  • 现在希望时间过得慢越好,时间却仿佛加快速度好像不假思索,便豁然开朗。

    Now that he wanted time to move as slowly as possible, it seemed to have sped up, and understanding was coming so fast it seemed to have bypassed thought.


  • 我们发现自己与他人争论,我们可能感觉自己好像失去了对情绪控制,情绪仿佛自己生命的东西。

    When we find ourselves in an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions that have taken on lives of their own.


  • 克莱尔仔细地打量着,把目光集中在她脸上仿佛上面刻有象形文字似的。看上去她拒绝好像真的

    Clare regarded her attentively, conned the characters of her face as if they had been hieroglyphics. The denial seemed real.


  • 双手按住太阳穴仿佛头疼好像冥思什么

    Hands hold temporal, as if a headache, and seemed to be meditating bitter jiezhe what.


  • 浪花卷起仿佛轻抚,又好像下去

    The waves rolled up, as if it will dab your feet and as if it will drag you down.


  • 幅美丽图画使耳目一新微风吹过来花朵频频点头好像我们招手敬礼点头致意,仿佛:“同学们,你们好啊!”

    Like a beautiful picture, make a person find everything new and fresh, the breeze blowing, flowers nodding, just like in waved to us salute, nod, as if to say: "the classmates, hello! ""


  • 不要匆忙地向别处,仿佛畏惧对方看着你似地,而要做好像觉得没有必要他们

    Don't do it quickly as if you're scared of the person looking at you, but do it as if you don't feel the need to look at them.


  • 现在好像找到藏身的地方,它仿佛藏身在天地万物里。

    But now, I've found your love again. It seems to be everywhere.


  • 阿尔·迪瓦尔听到这个消息,仿佛心里放下了一块 石头,立刻致了谢意,好像这本书仍这儿就已经是帮了一点忙 似的。

    At this, Armand Duval looked as though a great weight had been taken from his shoulders, and he thanked me as though I had already begun to render him a service simply by holding on to the volume.


  • 枯黄落叶好像地毯似的小路上去枯叶发出觨“咔嚓咔嚓”声音它们仿佛讲述着秋天美好故事

    The yellow leaves that fall, like carpet covered the road, I walk up, leaves "click click" sound, they are looking tells the story of the fall.


  • 文字出来时候,我好像成了哲人,当我从大自然出来的时候,我仿佛成了孩子

    When I come out from the literature books, I seem to have become a philosopher; when I come out of the book of the great nature, I seem to have become a young child.


  • 一些事知道怎么解释喜乐仿佛辨认同类本能。一见面会互相问候,表示亲热。其它好像不会

    There is something I can't explain, Shelties seemed to have some instincts inside them they could recognise the same dog breed and would greet them.


  • 大约半夜时分仿佛听到水底下有人发出哭泣声音,又好像有人说话。

    So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: "Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded."


  • 大约半夜时分仿佛听到水底下有人发出哭泣声音,又好像有人说话。

    So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: "Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded."


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