The enterprise data integration based on Grid is a new integration mode, this is the foundation for the business application of grid.
More and more enterprises consider data warehouse as data integrations platform, which provides a single version of truth about data to analytical users to make decisions.
If you can combine both SOA and data-integration technologies, you benefit through reusability, increased communication with other enterprise applications, and the use of Web services.
Because their systems are not integrated, most enterprises lack the ability to effectively aggregate data, and therefore, must implement lots of costly custom code to satisfy business requirements.
The Information (data) integration view deals with diverse forms of business information that can be integrated across the enterprise.
Such a service could be used as the central authority for an enterprise, such as a pharmaceutical company, where researchers needed to integrate data from internal as well as external sources.
The team needs to discuss integration with existing enterprise systems, such as LDAP and your database infrastructure.
Figure 1 shows the outline of an enterprise metadata integration solution.
Making all the applications in an enterprise work in an integrated manner to provide unified and consistent data and functionality is a difficult task.
Enterprise data access integrations are typically not going directly against enterprise data store - they usually leveraging existing legacy implementations for both access and validation of data.
The Preferred Data Source pattern is considered an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) pattern in an SOA context; thus the strengths and weaknesses of typical EAI patterns apply here.
The business value, though, is derived from getting those events into a business process consumable form and integrating them with the other business data elements within the enterprise.
This file has been modified for the enterprise integration, including a data source realm.
With process-level integration, enterprises can exchange data across applications to fulfill a business process.
This makes it often difficult to distinguish between integrations aimed at the functional reuse and integration aimed at the enterprise data access.
This involves the capture, integration and aggregation of data from various sources to provide a timely and consistent view of the state of the enterprise as well as relevant events and trends.
These problems can be solved through an enterprise architecture that integrates business and technical metadata from various sources.
The key to achieving such integration is to build an enterprise-level metadata repository that ACTS as a single source of truth for all metadata requirements.
Enterprise application Integration (EAI) refers to integrating data and process across disparate applications, and has long been the fly in the architectural ointment for it departments.
Data quality can make or break an enterprise information management strategy, which in turn determines the success of its business integration strategy.
Enterprise application integration (EAI) is an application of technology defined as the integration of data and services between applications.
EDM allows an enterprise view of data which helps to reduce data redundancy, improve data quality, and speed up integration and green-field projects.
Summary: data integration in an enterprise of data sources is one of the most common requirements of any database shop.
There are three major information integration patterns to achieve semantic interoperability: data federation, data consolidation and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).
Characteristics of enterprise integration include distributed transactions across various systems, queue-based messaging for critical data delivery, or various other types of services.
This unified view allows for precise retrieval of information and seamless enterprise integration, as business processes and various data sources can map to each other through a common meta-model.
By leveraging the power of XML, you can easily integrate cloud data into existing enterprise applications.
Information Integration — federates and moves the enterprise data.
He Outlines several prescriptive recommendations providing a holistic solution to a data integration problem for an enterprise.
采用SOA和Web 2.0的策略:考虑用数据联邦(Data Federation)和企业架构集成(Enterprise architecture integration)的模式,降低总的拥有成本。
Adopt SOA and Web 2.0 Strategies: consider the Data Federation and Enterprise architectural integration patterns to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership.