• 然而,世界卫生组织延迟宣布流行,部分原因没有充足证据证明病毒美国源头之外人群传播

    However, the WHO delays declaring a pandemic, partly because there is not enough evidence that the virus is spreading in the general population outside the Americas, where it originated.


  • 通常数据延迟数据传播依赖于数据整合过程刷新周期

    Generally, the data latency or data currency is dependent on the refresh cycle of the data consolidation process.


  • 基于人工神经网络(ANN)理论,提出利用ANN模拟信号传播延迟载波相位、信号功率参量的方法。

    Based on the theory of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), an approach to simulate signal propagation delay, carrier phase, power, and other parameters using ANN is proposed.


  • 一致性延迟——数据不是马上传播所有节点的……延迟一般1左右如果数据量或者负载很大可能遇到更多延迟

    Eventual Consistency - data is not immediately propagated across all nodes... the latency is usually around a second, but for high data sets or loads, you may experience more latency.


  • 总的来说,指令集中指令越多,CPU中的传播延迟越大。 峚。

    In general, the greater the number of instructions set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.


  • 总的来说,指令集中指令越多,CPU中的传播延迟越大

    In general, the greater the number of instructions set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.


  • 减少元件电路几何尺寸达到增加电路的封装密度减少功耗和减小信号传播延迟的目的。

    The reduction in size of components and circuits for increasing package density and reducing power dissipation and signal propagation delays.


  • 结果显示混合边界元方法类动边界辐射问题上,体现出声音传播延迟效应,体现出液体压缩性对声压峰值影响。

    The result shows that the delay effect of noise propagation and the effect of the compressibility of liquid on the noise can be obtained.


  • 应力腐蚀开裂延迟失效意味着裂纹缩写一个缓慢的应变传播直到应力达到断裂强度

    The SCC is a delayed failure, it means the crack initials and propagates at a slow strain rate until the stress reaches the fracture strength.


  • 固体火箭发动机点火一个十分复杂物理化学过程包括三个阶段:点火延迟火焰传播燃烧室气体充填

    The ignition of the solid rocket motor (SRM) is a very complex physical and chemistry process, which is composed of three component phases: ignition delay, flame spreading and chamber filling.


  • 延时元件位于该扫描输入触发器输入端之间信号路径上于该扫描输入端与该触发器输入端提供信号传播延迟

    The delay element is in a signal path between the scan input and the input of the flip-flop, and provides a signal propagation delay between the scan input and the input of the flip-flop.


  • 指定数字电路时间安装占用时间逻辑传播延迟

    Specify digital circuit timing: setup and hold times and logic propagation delays.


  • 其他功能还包括28纳秒(典型值),快速上升下降时间传播延迟以及电源欠压锁定

    Other features include a short propagation delay of 28 ns (typical), fast rise and fall times, and supply rail under-voltage lockout.


  • 大气传播延迟空间大地测量技术主要误差之一

    In Space Geodesy technology. One of the main error sources is atmospheric transmitting delay.


  • 输出传播延迟匹配用于高频应用

    The output propagation delays are matched for use in high frequency applications.


  • 大气传播延迟空间大地测量技术主要误差特别是高度角的观测情况下尤其如此。

    One of the main error sources is atmospheric transmitting delay in the Space Geodesy technology, especially in the low elevation.


  • 被抽样系统可以模仿包括分离采样时间作用并且处理器造成传播延迟

    Sampled systems can be simulated including the effects of discrete sampling times as well as propagation delays caused by processors.


  • 针对总线形、星形环形双环形光纤网络拓扑比较它们光纤需求长度平均传播延迟传输衰减最大比特容错

    The comparison is in term of fiber required, average propagation delay, transmission loss, max bit rate, fault tolerance among four type topologies included bus, star, ring and dual ring.


  • ATM边缘设备必须特别适应处理MPEG交换抖动管理补偿网络传播延迟

    The ATM network edge device must be particularly adept at handling MPEG switching and jitter management to compensate for propagation delays in the network.


  • 利用激波预热燃料采用高温燃气作为引导火焰可以碳氢燃料的点火延迟缩短,火焰传播速度加快,有效解决了碳氢燃料点火延迟长的问题

    The problem of longer ignition delay for hydrocarbon fuel can be effectively solved by means of preheating fuel by shock waves and using hot gas as pilot.


  • 通信延迟包括遥控指令延迟遥测信号延迟,主要传播速度造成的。

    The communication time-delay concludes the delay of remote control commands and telemetry signals, which is brought by light transportation speed.


  • 扫描输入触发器输入端之间延迟大大地大于数据输入端与该触发器输入端之间信号传播延迟

    The delay between the scan input and the input of the flip-flop is substantially larger than the signal propagation delay between the data input and the input of the flip-flop.


  • 扫描输入触发器输入端之间延迟大大地大于数据输入端与该触发器输入端之间信号传播延迟

    The delay between the scan input and the input of the flip-flop is substantially larger than the signal propagation delay between the data input and the input of the flip-flop.


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