There is no hearsay rule in China. The reason can be found from both the sides of opinion and system.
We should construct the hearsay rule in China and accept some exception if no harm for the right to cross-examine.
In the Common Law System countries, there is the Hearsay Rule, which is very similar to the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.
The hearsay evidence rule is important system aimed at assurance the witness appears at court, and guarantee the judge do right judgment and realize procedure justness and judicature justness.
The second level, will analyze the formation process of the hearsay evidence , probe into the inside attribute, category, the contents of the hearsay evidence rule and law principle in them .
They must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence.
Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best evidence, Authentication rule and Hearsay rule.
The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U.
The rule against hearsay is one of the most important rules of evidence in the evidence law of Britain and U.