• 大学读了书,后来辍学了。

    She did a year at college, but then dropped out.


  • 当时似乎是个主意后来铸成大错。

    It seemed like a good idea at the time , and then it all went horribly wrong.


  • 放弃这份工作,后来还是理智占了上风。

    He thought about giving up his job, but then common sense reasserted itself.


  • 我们本来打算意大利后来获得机会希腊

    Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.


  • 原本一切都进行得很顺利后来我们遇到了麻烦。

    Everything was going well but then we hit trouble.


  • 我们从小学到大学一直在一起后来分道扬镳了。

    We went through school and college together, but then our paths diverged.


  • 没有照片中认出格雷厄姆后来警察安排指认队列里把了出来

    He failed to identify Graham from photographs, but later picked him out of a police identity parade.


  • 后来导致避雷针发明

    But later on, it led to the invention of lightening rod.


  • 起初建筑后来地质学

    At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.


  • 钢笔借给后来了。

    She lent me her pen, but later I lost it.


  • 开始得很慢后来我开始快速滑动。

    I was going slowly at first but then I started to slide very fast.


  • 后来维多利亚时代人们有了不同想法

    But later, people of the Victorian era thought differently.


  • 起初害怕后来努力使自己平静下来

    He got scared at first, but then he tried to calm down.


  • 起初写信后来决定亲自过去

    I first considered writing to him, but then decided to go and speak to him in person.


  • 电影事实出发后来它们变得越来越小说化

    His films begin with facts, but then they become more and more fictional.


  • 一开始愿意申请成为交换后来改变了主意

    I was reluctant to apply to be an exchanged student at the beginning, but then I changed my mind.


  • 开始几个星期一切都好,后来夜晚太漫长,太烦人了!

    For a few weeks it was all well enough, but afterwards, O the weary length of the nights!


  • 以为不在意比赛结果后来我发现厕所里泪流满面

    I had thought Jane didn't care about the result of the contest. But later I found her in floods of tears in the toilets.


  • 这家咖啡馆老板过去各种食物后来意识到她最爱巧克力

    The owner of this small cafe used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realized she preferred chocolates to anything else.


  • 当然面试表现非常好的后来发现非常不令人满意员工

    There are also, of course, people who interview extremely well, but are later found to be very unsatisfactory employees.


  • 菲奥娜开始格拉斯哥学校学习绘画后来发现自己真正爱好纺织

    Fiona started out studying painting at the Glasgow School, but then she found that her real passion was in textiles.


  • 开始我们安排音乐大楼一个排练室后来我们爵士乐团了房间。

    Originally we were booked in one of the rehearsal rooms in the music building, but then we switched with the jazz ensemble.


  • 一年生意清淡,后来布伦南开始互联网上大力推销Hoopswagg产品

    Business was slow the first year, but then Brennan started pushing his Hoopswagg products heavily onthe Internet.


  • 一年生意清淡,后来布伦南开始互联网上大力推广HoopSwagg产品

    Business was slow the first year, but then Brennan started pushing his HoopSwagg products heavily on the Internet.


  • 他们阿瑟顿拐角处附近跳蚤咖啡馆见面后来决定他们需要更为私密的空间。

    They met at the Flea Street Café which is around the corner from her home in Atherton, but then decided that they needed more privacy.


  • 本来应该在写信后来恐怕分心干别的去了。

    I was supposed to be writing a letter but I'm afraid I got sidetracked.


  • 打算的票,后来改变了主意里根的票。

    I was going to vote for him, but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan.


  • 以前睡得不好,但后来我开始练瑜伽,真的很有帮助。

    I didn't use to sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.


  • 时候有一首诗第一次读看起来很无聊,但后来它触动了你的心。

    Sometimes you're just not in the right mood the first time you read a poem, but later it touches your heart.


  • 初,他们以为他在做坏事,但后来他们意识到他实际上是在利用头顶的路灯在笔记本上写东西。

    At first, they thought he was doing something bad, but later they realized he was actually writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead.


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