• 但是需要

    But you needed me.


  • 但是相信不管多难还是需要努力

    But I believe you still need to try despite these difficulties.


  • 是的知道可能不会所有妈妈有用但是就是为什么文章需要真正了解这个

    Yes, I know this will not work for all moms but that's why in the article it says that YOU need to really know that person.


  • 到目前为止故意使用默认设置保持简单性但是需要根据环境调节这些设定

    Thus far, I purposely used default Settings to keep it simple, but you'll need to tweak these Settings for your own environment.


  • 高兴一个外向考虑周到的人但是他不需要这种帮助

    I'm glad you're more outgoing and thoughtful than he is, but he doesn't want the help.


  • “要是当初有人知道这样什么后果吗?’ ,就是耳光脸上但是需要记耳光,”凯瑟琳•穆纳说。

    “Had somebody called me and said, ‘Do you have aclue where this is all headed?’, it would have been a slap in the face, but aslap in the face that I needed, ” said Cathryn Munna.


  • 曼奇尼到:“非常信任亚塔,但是知道,年轻需要继续成长。”

    Said Mancini: “I trust in Dedryck because he is a good player, but like all the younger players he needs to improve.


  • 但是对于神经纤维支架来说需要非常细小管子:“有一研究生Jianming Li想到利用棉花主意。”

    But for nerve scaffolds, you need very tiny tubes: "One day, Jianming Li, my graduate student, came up with the idea of using cotton candy."


  • 文章认为世人需要救世主,”超人露易丝说,“但是每天听到人们着喊着要一个救世主。”

    "You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior," Superman himself tells Lois, "but every day I hear people crying for one."


  • 反驳者检查很好但是哪个需要检查的的人,因为一样在等待着。

    The Come-back: It's nice that you've been tested, but I'm looking for someone who doesn't need to be tested because they are waiting like me.


  • 但是了个去啊……确实应该生活到底出了什么鬼事情让需要憎恶才能解脱?

    But damnsurely we should be able to ask: what the hell is going on if you need hatred to get off?


  • 可以通过许多不同方式来追踪时间但是发现正在进行或者为了制订计划需要快速统计时,一些适用于安卓手机或者苹果手机应用软件十分有效。

    You can track your time many different ways but some of the best apps that I have found for Android and iPhone are great when you are on the run and need to get a quick statistic to use for planning.


  • 知道其实心眼不想在这时候提起但是现在真的很需要上个月这里一百美金

    B: I know, and I kind of hate to bring this up now, but I really need that one hundred dollars you borrowed from me last month.


  • 这本编程设计的书,知道,无需告诉个程序员如何完成一个菜单但是需要考虑的菜单中放置什么。

    This book is designed for programmers. I assume you don't need instructions for how to make a menu bar; rather, you need to think about what to put in your menu bar (or whether to have one at all).


  • 但是告诉所有现代住房都有同样的设备并且谈说的说,需要苏联参观可以住进这样房子里,都需要成为一名苏联公民

    But I tell you all our modern homes have equipment of this sort, and to get a flat you have only to be a Soviet visitor, not a citizen.


  • 已经建立了一个简单页面它使通过角色管理用户添加角色中,但是使用之前需要应用程序开启用户管理器。

    I've crafted a simple page that allows you to add users to roles using the role Manager, but before you can use it you'll need to enable the role Manager for your app.


  • 并不需要一直保持露齿的笑容,但是希望通过下面的信条,能够获得更多享受

    You needn’t always be grins but I’m hopeful that you’ll get a few more with the following insights. Enjoy!


  • 没有成为现实——但是可能。(尽管这个专栏家伙显然仍然需要学习避免承诺过多?)

    That hasn't happened yet-but it could. Although I'm the guy writing this column, I clearly still have a lot to learn about avoiding overcommitment.


  • 需要或者说不想要份简历但是需要知道来自哪里

    I don't need or want a resume, but I do need to know where you're coming from.


  • 知道认为很难但是他们对于传递信息重要目的需要出手任何细节

    I know you think hands are hard, but they're quite important to convey some ideas, and for our purposes we don't need to draw hands with any detail.


  • 可以采取预防措施---确信他们的确也那么做了---但是需要那里拍到照片讲述事情真相

    You can take precautions – and I’m sure they did try to take cover – but you need to be there to get those images and to tell the story of what’s going on.


  • 它们需要拥有如果关心它们返回值,关心的返回但是不想得到的返回。

    They only need to have values if you care GetInt about getting something back from them, get int, swap you care about its value; but swap, I don't want to hear it again.


  • 知道听起来似乎有点出人意料的简单但是却是需要经受时间的检验的,而且完全有益。

    I know it seems like surprisingly basic and pleasant advice, but it is also time-tested and downright good for you.


  • 是个公司100但是你需要保证立刻100元购买们的设备

    And I'm a big company I give you 100 bucks but only if you promise to immediately turn around and give me the 100 bucks back for equipment.


  • 当然需要很多同盟者推动想法但是强调需要同盟者一起开始

    Of course, you are going to need Allies for your idea to gain momentum, but I want to underscore that it is not necessary to have an ally to get started.


  • 这点不说也知道——但是确定时不时需要被提醒一下

    I know I don't have to tell you that - but I'm pretty sure we all need a reminder every now and again.


  • 好的但是首先需要知道一些信息

    Fine, but first I need some information about you.


  • 约翰很抱歉打扰但是研究报告需要有人帮忙

    John, sorry to bother you, but I need help with my research paper.


  • 约翰很抱歉打扰但是研究报告需要有人帮忙

    John, sorry to bother you, but I need help with my research paper.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定