• 橙色像火焰般的颜色使想起柑橘属的果树、日落落叶南瓜灯笼

    This often flamboyant color brings to mind citrus and sunsets, fall leaves, and jack-o '-lanterns.


  • 幅油画使想起了毕加索早期作品

    The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.


  • 艾伦·科普阿帕拉契亚春天使人想起那种辽阔草原氛围

    "Appalachian Spring" by Aaron Copland invoked the atmosphere of the wide open spaces of the prairies.


  • 那些手指粗糙不平,有着又又弯使人想起动物爪子指甲

    The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.


  • 自然景象描写意在使人想起以外现实

    The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.


  • 史蒂尔博物馆选址科罗拉多是有道理使不是故乡所在因为他的画作强有力地使美国西部广阔景象。

    It makes sense for a Still museum to be located in Colorado, even though it was not his native state, because his paintings powerfully recall the vast landscapes of the American west.


  • 听证会气氛使人35年前水门事件国会听证。格林斯潘问到何时知道存在住房泡沫以及他又是何时告知公众一点的。

    In an echo of the Watergate hearings 35 years ago, Mr. Greenspan was asked when he knew there was a housing bubble and when he told the public about it.


  • 斯特作品里唯一显示复苏迹象蝴蝶油画特别是使人想起万花筒彩色玻璃窗户的独翼作品。

    The only Hirst pieces that are showing signs of recovery are butterfly paintings, particularly the wing-only works that evoke kaleidoscopes and stained-glass Windows.


  • 思想创造了艰难的现实使人想起可怕未来糟透过去

    The mind creates harsh realities, it conjures up a fearful future and dreadful past.


  • 也许暖色使想起温暖日子冷色使想起的日子。

    Perhaps warm colors remind people of warm days and the cool colors remind them of cool days.


  • 菲律宾泰国越南国家混血后裔勾起痛苦回忆使人想起当年的西方男性殖民者东方女性战争受害者以及投机分子。

    In countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, such offspring were seen as negative reminders of Western male colonizers and Eastern female war victims and opportunists.


  • 市区,“本地种植这个词使人想起高价农民市场富裕购物者画面

    In urban areas, the words "locally grown" conjure images of affluent shoppers in pricey farmers' markets.


  • 比尔描述使想起一个小型头脑风暴。聚集了一些,他们把本不清晰的图景描述出来

    Bill Venners: What you've described reminds me a bit of brainstorming. You gather some people together to flesh out something you can't clearly see.


  • 火车设计使人想起五十年代看起来就是电影“相间恨晚”里时运不济的情侣们蜜月的地方。

    Its design is reminiscent of the Fifties and it looks like the kind of train the star-crossed lovers of Brief Encounter might have taken on honeymoon.


  • 索爱回答索尼爱立信游戏手机,款机器智能手机侧滑盖,有控制使人索尼便携式游戏机

    Sony Ericsson's answer is the Xperia Play, an Android smartphone with a slide-out set of controller buttons, reminiscent of Sony's PlayStation Portable gaming device.


  • 词汇计算机病毒使人想起许多心烦意乱图像瘫痪电脑、无法恢复的数据该死的杀狂、寻找治疗的痛苦时光

    The wordscomputer virus” conjure a multitude of upsetting images: crashed computers, lost data, criminals amok, painful hours in search of a cure.


  • 词汇计算机病毒使人想起许多心烦意乱图像瘫痪电脑、无法恢复的数据该死的杀狂、寻找治疗的痛苦时光

    The words "computer virus" conjure a multitude of upsetting images: crashed computers, lost data, criminals amok, painful hours in search of a cure.


  • 下面一点就是嘴边下颌木偶”,命名在于使人想起木偶分离、可活动的下巴

    With farther descent come the "marionette lines" that run from the edges of the mouth to the jaw, so named because they evoke the discrete, moveable chin of this sort of puppet.


  • 使LotusCAPIfor LotusNotes/Domino常常使人想起方便好用老式瑞士军刀:一个时髦的小工具箱,包含许多没有书面文档的(undocumented)有用部件!

    Those who use the Lotus C API for Lotus Notes/Domino are often reminded of a handy old Swiss Army knife: a snazzy little toolset that has an undocumented number of uses!


  • 参观普里什蒂纳热闹夜生活使人很难想起上世纪九十年代末期餐馆靠窗座位因为可能会遭到榴弹来自汽车上的枪击而总是回避

    And it is hard to recall sometimes, visiting Pristina's lively nightlife, that in the late 1990s the window seats in restaurants here were avoided for the risk of grenades and drive-by shootings.


  • 稍后我们看到创世纪画面(“晨星一同歌唱时候”)世间场景一场景使人想起造物主一个问题:“能够一个钩子将海怪利维坦拖出来吗?”

    Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"


  • 暂时,时装业的内部一直一个咒子,它使人想起KayThompsonStanleyDonen的1957年的杰作《有趣面孔》里的神般的声明

    For a while now, fashion industry insiders have been chanting a mantra that calls to mind Kay Thompson’s oracular pronouncements in Stanley Donen’s 1957 classic, “Funny Face.”


  • 回忆永远惆怅的!愉快使觉得可惜已经完了;愉快来还是伤心

    Memory is always disappointed! Make people feel happy, but is done; Not happy, or sad to think of it.


  • 回忆永远惆怅的!愉快使觉得可惜已经完了;愉快来还是伤心

    Memory is always disappointed! Make people feel happy, but is done; Not happy, or sad to think of it.


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